
Section  1.2.1

Eigenvalue extraction for single unconstrained elements

Section  1.2.2

Eigenvalue extraction for unconstrained patches of elements

Section  1.2.3

Acoustic modes

Section  1.3.1

Membrane loading of plane stress, plane strain, membrane, and shell elements

Section  1.3.2

Generalized plane strain elements with relative motion of bounding planes

Section  1.3.3

Three-dimensional solid elements

Section  1.3.4

Axisymmetric solid elements

Section  1.3.5

Axisymmetric solid elements with twist

Section  1.3.6

Cylindrical elements

Section  1.3.7

Loading of piezoelectric elements

Section  1.3.8

Love-Kirchhoff beams and shells

Section  1.3.9

Shear flexible beams and shells: I

Section  1.3.10

Shear flexible beams and shells: II

Section  1.3.11

Initial curvature of beams and shells

Section  1.3.12

Normal definitions of beams and shells

Section  1.3.13

Constant curvature test for shells

Section  1.3.14

Verification of section forces for shells

Section  1.3.16

Cantilever sandwich beam: shear flexible shells

Section  1.3.17

Thermal stress in a cylindrical shell

Section  1.3.18

Variable thickness shells and membranes

Section  1.3.19

Shell offset

Section  1.3.20

Axisymmetric membrane elements

Section  1.3.21

Cylindrical membrane elements

Section  1.3.22

Verification of beam elements and section types

Section  1.3.23

Beam added inertia

Section  1.3.24

Beam fluid inertia

Section  1.3.26

Flexure of a deep beam

Section  1.3.30

Verification of the elastic behavior of frame elements

Section  1.3.31

Verification of the plastic behavior of frame elements

Section  1.3.32

Three-bar truss

Section  1.3.33

Pure bending of a cylinder: CAXA elements

Section  1.3.34

Cylinder subjected to an asymmetric temperature field: CAXA elements

Section  1.3.35

Cylinder subjected to asymmetric pressure loads: CAXA elements

Section  1.3.36

Cylinder subjected to an asymmetric pore pressure field: CAXA elements

Section  1.3.37

Modal dynamic and transient dynamic analysis with CAXA and SAXA elements

Section  1.3.38

Simple load tests for thermal-electrical elements

Section  1.3.39

Hydrostatic fluid elements

Section  1.3.40

Fluid link element

Section  1.3.41

Temperature-dependent film condition

Section  1.3.42

Surface-based pressure penetration

Section  1.3.43

Gasket behavior verification

Section  1.3.44

Gasket element assembly

Section  1.3.45

Cohesive elements

Section  1.3.46

Coriolis loading for direct-solution steady-state dynamic analysis

Section  1.3.47

Pipe-soil interaction elements

Section  1.4.1

Continuum stress/displacement elements

Section  1.4.2

Beam stress/displacement elements

Section  1.4.3

Pipe stress/displacement elements

Section  1.4.4

Shell, membrane, and truss stress/displacement elements

Section  1.4.5

Cohesive element load verification

Section  1.4.6

ELBOW elements

Section  1.4.7

Continuum pore pressure elements

Section  1.4.8

Continuum and shell heat transfer elements

Section  1.4.9

Coupled temperature-displacement elements

Section  1.4.10

Piezoelectric elements

Section  1.4.11

Continuum mass diffusion elements

Section  1.4.12

Thermal-electrical elements

Section  1.4.13

Rigid elements

Section  1.4.14

Mass and rotary inertia elements

Section  1.4.16

Incident wave loading

Section  1.4.17

Distributed traction and edge loads

Section  1.5.1

Membrane patch test

Section  1.5.2

Patch test for three-dimensional solid elements

Section  1.5.3

Patch test for cylindrical elements

Section  1.5.4

Patch test for axisymmetric elements

Section  1.5.5

Patch test for axisymmetric elements with twist

Section  1.5.6

Patch test for plate bending

Section  1.5.7

Patch test for beam elements

Section  1.5.8

Patch test for heat transfer elements

Section  1.5.9

Patch test for thermal-electrical elements

Section  1.5.10

Patch test for acoustic elements

Section  1.6.1

Small-sliding contact between stress/displacement elements

Section  1.6.2

Small-sliding contact between coupled temperature-displacement surfaces

Section  1.6.3

Small-sliding contact between coupled pore pressure-displacement elements

Section  1.6.4

Finite-sliding contact between stress/displacement elements

Section  1.6.5

Finite-sliding contact between a deformable body and a rigid surface

Section  1.6.6

Finite-sliding contact between a deformable body and a meshed rigid surface

Section  1.6.7

Finite-sliding contact between coupled temperature-displacement elements

Section  1.6.8

Finite-sliding contact between coupled pore pressure-displacement elements

Section  1.6.11

Contact with time-dependent prescribed interference values

Section  1.6.12

Contact between discrete points

Section  1.6.13

Finite sliding between concentric cylinders—axisymmetric and CAXA models

Section  1.6.14

Automatic element conversion for surface contact

Section  1.6.15

Contact with initial overclosure of curved surfaces

Section  1.6.16

Small-sliding contact with specified clearance or overclosure values

Section  1.6.17

Automatic surface definition and surface trimming

Section  1.6.18

Self-contact of finite-sliding deformable surfaces

Section  1.6.19

Contact surface extensions

Section  1.6.20

Adjusting contact surface normals at symmetry planes

Section  1.6.21

Contact controls

Section  1.6.24

Automated contact patch algorithm for finite-sliding deformable surfaces

Section  1.6.25

Surface-to-surface approach for finite-sliding contact

Section  1.7.1

Thermal surface interaction

Section  1.7.2

Coupling of acoustic and structural elements

Section  1.7.3

Coupled thermal-electrical surface interaction

Section  1.7.4

Friction models in ABAQUS/Standard

Section  1.8.1

Rigid body mass properties

Section  1.8.2

Tie and pin node sets

Section  1.8.3

Rigid body as an MPC

Section  1.8.4

Rigid body constraint

Section  1.9.1

Damped free vibration with initial conditions

Section  1.9.2

Sinusoidal excitation of a damped spring-mass system

Section  1.9.3

Multiple instances of connector elements

Section  1.9.4

Individual connector option tests

Section  1.9.5

Connector elements in perturbation analyses

Section  1.9.6

Tests for special-purpose connectors

Section  1.10.1

Flexible joint element

Section  1.10.2

Line spring elements

Section  1.10.3

Distributing coupling elements

Section  1.10.4

Drag chain elements

Section  1.11.1

Rebar in ABAQUS/Standard

Section  1.11.3

Convection elements: transport of a temperature pulse

Section  1.11.4

Continuum shells: basic element modes

Section  1.11.5

Transverse shear for shear-flexible shells

Section  1.11.6

Linear dynamic analysis with fluid link

Section  1.11.7

Rigid bodies with temperature DOFs, heat capacitance, and nodal-based thermal loads

Section  1.11.8

Analysis of unbounded acoustic regions

Section  1.11.9

Nonstructural mass verification

Section  2.2.1

Elastic materials

Section  2.2.2

Viscoelastic materials

Section  2.2.3

Mullins effect

Section  2.2.4

Hysteretic materials

Section  2.2.8

Transient internal pressure loading of a viscoelastic cylinder

Section  2.2.9

Rate-independent plasticity in ABAQUS/Standard

Section  2.2.10

Rate-dependent plasticity in ABAQUS/Standard

Section  2.2.12

Annealing temperature

Section  2.2.21

Progressive damage and failure in fiber-reinforced materials

Section  2.2.22


Section  2.2.23

Concrete smeared cracking

Section  2.2.24

Concrete damaged plasticity

Section  2.2.25

Two-layer viscoplasticity

Section  2.2.28

Hydrostatic fluid

Section  2.2.29

Composite, mass proportional, and rotary inertia proportional damping in ABAQUS/Standard

Section  2.3.1

Thermal properties

Section  3.2.1

Modal dynamic analysis with baseline correction

Section  3.2.2

Steady-state dynamic analysis for two-dimensional elements

Section  3.2.3

Steady-state dynamic analysis for infinite elements

Section  3.2.4

Random response analysis

Section  3.3.1

Crack propagation analysis

Section  3.3.2

Propagation of hydraulically driven fracture

Section  3.4.1

Substructure rotation, mirroring, transformation, and constraints

Section  3.4.2

Substructure recovery with *TRANSFORM

Section  3.4.3

Degenerated elements within a substructure

Section  3.4.4

*SUBSTRUCTURE LOAD CASE with centrifugal loads

Section  3.4.5

Thermal-stress analysis with substructures

Section  3.4.6

Substructure preload history

Section  3.4.7

Substructure removal

Section  3.4.8

Substructure library utilities

Section  3.4.9

Substructure damping

Section  3.4.10

Substructures with rebar

Section  3.4.11

Frequency extraction for substructures

Section  3.4.12

Substructures with large rotations

Section  3.4.13

Coupled structural-acoustic analysis with substructures

Section  3.5.1

Static analysis for piezoelectric materials

Section  3.5.2

Frequency extraction analysis for piezoelectric materials

Section  3.5.3

General analysis procedures for piezoelectric materials

Section  3.6.2

Two-dimensional continuum stress/displacement submodeling

Section  3.6.3

Three-dimensional continuum stress/displacement submodeling

Section  3.6.4

Cylindrical continuum stress/displacement submodeling

Section  3.6.5

Axisymmetric continuum stress/displacement submodeling

Section  3.6.6

Axisymmetric stress/displacement submodeling with twist

Section  3.6.7

Membrane submodeling

Section  3.6.8

Shell submodeling

Section  3.6.9

Surface element submodeling

Section  3.6.10

Heat transfer submodeling

Section  3.6.11

Coupled temperature-displacement submodeling

Section  3.6.12

Pore pressure submodeling

Section  3.6.13

Piezoelectric submodeling

Section  3.6.14

Acoustic submodeling

Section  3.6.15

Shell-to-solid submodeling

Section  3.6.16

Miscellaneous submodeling tests

Section  3.7.1

Volumetric drag

Section  3.7.2

Impedance boundary conditions

Section  3.7.3

Transient acoustic wave propagation

Section  3.7.4

Adaptive meshing applied to coupled structural-acoustic problems

Section  3.8.2

Stress/displacement model change: static

Section  3.8.3

Stress/displacement model change: dynamic

Section  3.8.4

Stress/displacement model change: general tests

Section  3.8.5

Heat transfer model change: steady state

Section  3.8.6

Coupled temperature-displacement model change: steady state

Section  3.8.7

Contact model change

Section  3.8.8

Acoustic model change: steady state

Section  3.9.1

Symmetric model generation and results transfer

Section  3.9.2

Analysis of cyclic symmetric models

Section  3.10.1

Aqua load cases

Section  3.10.2

Jack-up foundation analysis

Section  3.10.3

Elastic-plastic joint elements

Section  3.12.1

Transferring results between ABAQUS/Explicit and ABAQUS/Standard

Section  3.12.2

Transferring results from one ABAQUS/Standard analysis to another ABAQUS/Standard analysis

Section  3.12.3

Transferring results with *BEAM GENERAL SECTION

Section  3.12.4

Transferring results with *SHELL GENERAL SECTION

Section  3.12.5

Adding and removing elements during results transfer

Section  3.12.6

Transferring rigid elements

Section  3.12.7

Transferring hourglass forces

Section  3.12.8

Changing the material definition during import

Section  3.12.9

Transferring results with plasticity

Section  3.12.10

Transferring results with hyperelasticity

Section  3.12.11

Transferring results with viscoelasticity

Section  3.12.12

Transferring results for a hyperelastic sheet with a circular hole

Section  3.12.13

Transferring results with hyperfoam

Section  3.12.14

Transferring results with orientation

Section  3.12.15

Miscellaneous results transfer tests

Section  3.13.1

Transferring results between dissimilar meshes in ABAQUS/Standard

Section  3.14.1

Direct cyclic analysis

Section  3.15.2

Meshing and analyzing a two-dimensional model of a beam cross-section

Section  3.15.3

Using generated cross-section properties in a beam analysis

Section  3.16.1

Complex eigenvalue extraction

Section  3.17.1

Fluid-structure interaction of a cantilever beam inside a channel

Section  3.18.1

Pressurized thick-walled cylinder

Section  3.18.2

Error indicators

Section  3.19.1

Frequency extraction using the AMS eigensolver

Section  4.1.1


Section  4.1.2


Section  4.1.3


Section  4.1.4


Section  4.1.5


Section  4.1.6


Section  4.1.7


Section  4.1.8


Section  4.1.9


Section  4.1.10


Section  4.1.11


Section  4.1.12


Section  4.1.13


Section  4.1.14


Section  4.1.15


Section  4.1.16


Section  4.1.17


Section  4.1.18


Section  4.1.19


Section  4.1.20


Section  4.1.21


Section  4.1.22


Section  4.1.23


Section  5.1.1

Adaptive mesh for solid elements in ABAQUS/Standard

Section  5.1.2


Section  5.1.3

Spatially varying element properties

Section  5.1.4


Section  5.1.5


Section  5.1.6


Section  5.1.7


Section  5.1.8


Section  5.1.9


Section  5.1.10


Section  5.1.11


Section  5.1.12


Section  5.1.13


Section  5.1.14

Mesh-independent spot welds

Section  5.1.15


Section  5.1.16


Section  5.1.17


Section  5.1.18

*RADIATION VIEWFACTOR: symmetries and blocking

Section  5.1.19


Section  5.1.20


Section  5.1.21


Section  5.1.23


Section  5.1.24


Section  5.1.25


Section  5.2.1


Section  5.2.2


Section  5.2.4

Rigid body motion output variables