Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
This section provides basic verification tests for the *BEAM ADDED INERTIA option that can be used with all Timoshenko beams. In ABAQUS/Standard it also verifies the isotropic versus the exact rotary inertia formulation for Timoshenko beams.
B21 B21H B22 B22H B31 B31H B31OS B31OSH B32 B32H B32OS B32OSH
There are two sets of problems presented in this section. The first set includes four input files: b31_dyn_iso.inp, b31_dyn_exact.inp, b31_moddyn_iso.inp, and b31_moddyn_exact.inp. These analyses compare the dynamic response to an acceleration record on a single-element cantilever structure made of B31 elements using the isotropic or exact rotary inertia formulation. Comparisons are made between the *DYNAMIC and *MODAL DYNAMIC procedures. To change the rotary inertia formulation for Timoshenko beams, the ROTARY INERTIA parameter with the value ISOTROPIC or EXACT (default) is used on the *BEAM SECTION or *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option.
The second set of problems verifies the *BEAM ADDED INERTIA option. This option allows adding mass and rotary inertia properties per element length at specified locations on the beam cross-section. The beam's mass together with the added mass may combine to give an offset between the location of the node and the center of mass for the cross-section. That offset produces the coupling between the translational degrees of freedom and the rotational degrees of freedom in the mass matrix for the element. A pair of input files, xbeamaddinertia_std_lin3d.inp and xbeamaddinertia_std_quad3d.inp, shows the concept of the offset mass for the beam element that can also be modeled with MASS and ROTARYI elements with appropriate BEAM-type MPC definitions to accommodate the mass offset. The remaining single-element input files verify various cross-section types for transient dynamic and eigenvalue extraction procedures. Input files pmcp_pipe2d_bai.inp, pmcp_beam2d_bai.inp, pmcp_pipe3d_bai.inp, and pmcp_beam3d_bai.inp are collections of all pipe and all beam elements placed in a plane or space. The *BEAM ADDED INERTIA option is used for all beam section definitions. These multiple step analyses verify the *FREQUENCY, *STATIC (with mass depended loads), STEADY STATE (mode based and direct), *MODAL DYNAMIC, and *DYNAMIC procedures.
The results compare well with the concentrated masses and rotary inertia element models and differ from the isotropic formulation as predicted.
B31 element, transient dynamic, isotropic rotary inertia formualtion.
B31 element, modal dynamic, isotropic rotary inertia formulation.
B31 element, transient dynamic, exact rotary inertia formulation.
B31 element, modal dynamic, exact rotary inertia formulation.
B21 element with circular cross-section, transient dynamic.
B22 element with rectangular cross-section, frequency extraction.
B21H element with circular cross-section, frequency extraction.
B31 element with circular cross-section, transient dynamic, and unsymmetric solver.
MASS and ROTARYI elements, transient dynamic.
B32 with box cross-section, transient dynamic.
B31OS element with I cross-section, transient dynamic procedure.
PIPE31H, transient dynamic.
All two-dimensional beams, various dynamic procedures.
All three-dimensional beams, various dynamic procedures.
All two-dimensional pipe elements, various dynamic procedures.
All three-dimensional pipe elements, various dynamic procedures.
This problem verifies the use of the *BEAM ADDED INERTIA option in ABAQUS/Explicit. Identical beam elements are assigned additional mass and rotary inertia in two ways: using the *BEAM ADDED INERTIA option and by defining additional point mass and rotary inertia elements and rigidly constraining them to the beam nodes using BEAM-type MPCs. The solutions obtained using the two methods are compared. Four cases, each comprising one of the four beam element types available in ABAQUS/Explicit, are considered.
For each case four beam elements with the same element length are defined. Two of the beam elements are assigned identical section properties using the *BEAM SECTION option, and the remaining two are assigned identical section properties using the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option.
One of the elements with section properties given by the *BEAM SECTION option has additional mass and rotary inertia assigned to it using the *BEAM ADDED INERTIA option. For the second beam element with *BEAM SECTION, additional nodes are defined at locations offset from the element nodes and MASS and ROTARYI elements are defined at the offset nodes. BEAM-type MPCs connect each node of the second beam to its corresponding offset node. The offset node corresponding to each node of the second beam lies in the cross-section passing through the beam node and has the same local coordinates with respect to the beam node as the center of mass coordinates defined for the first beam. Similarly, the mass and inertia assigned to the offset nodes are exactly equivalent to those assigned to the first beam element using the *BEAM ADDED INERTIA option.
The two beam elements with *BEAM GENERAL SECTION are also subjected to the same test. One of them is assigned additional mass and inertia using the *BEAM ADDED INERTIA option, while the other has BEAM-type MPCs connecting each node to nodal locations offset from it where MASS and ROTARYI elements with appropriate section properties are defined.
All four beams are cantilevered at one end and are subjected to the same concentrated load at the other end.
On comparing the nodal displacements and rotations of each beam element with *BEAM ADDED INERTIA to those of its corresponding element with BEAM-type MPCs, it is found that the nodal values match closely. This verifies that the *BEAM ADDED INERTIA option is being used to assign mass and inertia values accurately.
B21 elements.
B22 elements.
B31 elements.
B32 elements.