2.2.21 Progressive damage and failure in fiber-reinforced materials

Product: ABAQUS/Standard  

I. Damage initiation and damage evolution

Elements tested

CPS4    CPS3    CPS6    CPS8    CPS8R    CPS4R    CPS4I    CPS6M    SC6R    SC8R    STRI3    STRI65    S3    S3R    S3RS    S4    S4R    S4RS    S4RSW    S4R5    S8R5    S9R5    S8R    M3D3    M3D4    M3D4R    M3D6    M3D8    M3D8R    M3D9    M3D9R   

Features tested

Hashin's damage initiation criteria and energy-based damage evolution law are tested with a linearly elastic material.

Problem description

This verification test consists of a set of one- and two-element models subjected to uniaxial tension or compression for various angles (off-axis angles) between the fiber direction and the direction in which the load is applied. The default maximum degradation (equal to 1.0) is used for first-order elements, and the value of the maximum degradation of 0.95 was specified using the *SECTION CONTROLS, MAX DEGRADATION option for the second-order elements.

Results and discussion

The degradation of the material stiffness starts when Hashin's initiation criterion is reached for at least one of the failure modes. The damage variables, for the damage modes for which the initiation criteria are satisfied, evolve according to an energy-based evolution law with linear softening. Once the damage variable reaches the maximum degradation specified, no further damage takes place.

The results for the off-axis angles equal to 0° (fiber tension and compression) and 90° (matrix tension and compression) were verified to agree with analytical results.

Figure 2.2.21–1 and Figure 2.2.21–2 show the unidirectional stress for tension and compression, respectively, at which the initiation criterion is satisfied as a function of the off-axis angle. In these figures the numerical predictions agree very well with the analytical results and also show good agreement with the experimental data reported in Jones (1999).

Figure 2.2.21–1 Failure criteria for uniaxial tension as a function of off-axis angle.

Figure 2.2.21–2 Failure criteria for uniaxial compression as a function of off-axis angle.

Input files

Hashin's criterion with damage evolution law–type energy with linear softening


CPS4 elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


CPS4R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


CPS6 elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


CPS6M elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


CPS8 elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


CPS8R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


M3D8 elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


M3D8R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


M3D9 elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 15°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 30°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 45°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 60°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 75°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S8R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


S8R5 elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


S9R5 elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


SC6R elements are subjected to uniaxial compression; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


CPS3 elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


CPS4 elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 30°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


CPS4I elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 60°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


CPS4R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


CPS4R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


M3D3 elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


M3D4R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


M3D6 elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


M3D9R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


S3 elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S3R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4 elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 15°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 30°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 45°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 60°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 75°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


S4R5 elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


SC8R elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


STRI3 elements are subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 0°. The maximum degradation is equal to 1.0 (default).


STRI65 elements subjected to uniaxial tension; off-axis angle, 90°. The maximum degradation is equal to 0.95.


  • Jones,  R. M., Mechanics of Composite Materials,Taylor & Francis, Inc., pp. 102–112, 1999.

II. Element deletion

Elements tested

CPS4    M3D4    S4   

Feature tested

The default and nondefault degradation behaviors are tested. By default, elements are deleted if the damage variable for each failure mode and at each material point reaches the default maximum degradation value, . The *SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=NO option and the *SECTION CONTROLS, MAX DEGRADATION option can be used to modify the default behavior.

Problem description

Each model consists of nine elements. A linear elastic material is assigned to all the elements except one, for which a fiber reinforced damage model is used. The specimen is subjected to biaxial extension, which is followed by biaxial compression. For each of the elements three different cases are tested:

  • default behavior (, and elements are deleted if the deletion criteria are satisfied);

  • default value of maximum degradation (), and the elements remain active even if the deletion criteria are satisfied (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=NO); and

  • the maximum degradation of 0.99 is specified, and the elements remain active even if the deletion criteria are satisfied (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=NO, MAX DEGRADATION=0.99).

Results and discussion

In the first step (biaxial extension) the fiber tensile and matrix tensile modes are completely damaged. In the subsequent biaxial compression step the remaining two failure modes (fiber and matrix compressive modes) are completely damaged as well. The evolutions of damage variables stop when the value of is reached. Once the maximum degradation is reached at all material points for all failure modes, the elements are deleted when deletion is requested and remain active when element deletion is not requested.

Input file


CPS4 elements are tested with default behavior (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=YES, ).


CPS4 elements are tested with nondefault behavior (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=NO, ).


CPS4 elements are tested with nondefault behavior (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=NO, MAX DEGRADATION=0.99).


M3D4 elements are tested with default behavior (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=YES, ).


M3D4 elements are tested with nondefault behavior (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=NO, ).


M3D4 elements are tested with nondefault behavior (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=NO, MAX DEGRADATION=0.99).


S4 elements are tested with default behavior (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=YES, ).


S4 elements are tested with nondefault behavior (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=NO, ).


S4 elements are tested with nondefault behavior (*SECTION CONTROLS, ELEMENT DELETION=NO, MAX DEGRADATION=0.99).

III. Procedures

Elements tested

CPS4R    CPS4   

Feature tested

Hashin's damage initiation criteria with energy-based evolution law are tested with different types of procedures.

Problem description

This verification test consists of small models (up to nine elements) that are used with various procedure types. The element removal and reactivation using the *MODEL CHANGE option are tested by removing the element, reactivating it in the subsequent step, and verifying that all the state variables are reset correctly. The dynamic and Riks analyses are tested by comparing the numerical results with the analytical results. Finally, the linear perturbation procedures are tested by performing a general step in which the material properties are degraded before the perturbation step and then comparing the results with those obtained using a material without damage with appropriately modified parameters.

Results and discussion

The results agree well with exact analytical results or numerical results obtained using undamaged material.

Input file


Riks analysis.


Frequency extraction analysis.


Frequency extraction analysis (model without damage).


Dynamic analysis.


Steady-state dynamics.


Steady-state dynamics (model without damage).