Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
A solid material is placed near a heat source whose temperature stays constant. Heat transfer across the gap between the solid surface and the heat source can take place via gap conductance or gap radiation (thus, there are two tests for each element type). Using the default convergence tolerances in ABAQUS/Standard, the reaction fluxes for radiation problems show slight differences (0.1%) from the analytical results due to the severe nonlinearity of the radiation problem. We initiate unidirectional heat flow by applying a constant temperature that is higher than that of the heat source itself to the solid surface away from the heat source. The steady-state temperature at the surface near the heat source is used to verify the numerical solutions.
In ABAQUS/Explicit the steady-state result is obtained by performing a long-term transient simulation. The constant temperature heat source is modeled three different ways: with either deformable elements, isothermal discrete rigid elements, or an isothermal analytical rigid surface. Both kinematic and penalty mechanical contact are considered.
Model: Material:Conductivity in solid | 1.0 |
Gap conductance | 10.0 |
Radiation constants of surfaces | 5 × 1010 |
Absolute zero | 460.0 |
In ABAQUS/Explicit dummy mechanical and capacitance properties are specified to complete the material definition.
The steady-state temperatures agree with the analytical, one-dimensional heat transfer results.
DC1D2, DGAP elements.
DC2D4 elements.
DC2D8 elements.
DC3D8 elements.
DC3D20 elements.
DCAX4 elements.
DCAX8 elements.
DS3 elements.
DS4 elements.
DS6 elements.
DS8 elements.
DSAX1 elements.
DSAX2 elements.
DC1D2, DGAP elements.
DC2D4 elements.
DC2D8 elements.
DC3D8 elements.
DC3D20 elements.
DCAX4 elements.
DCAX8 elements.
DS3 elements.
DS4 elements.
DS6 elements.
DS8 elements.
DSAX1 elements.
DSAX2 elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CAX3T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CAX4RT elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CPE3T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CPE4RT elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CPS3T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CPS4RT elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with C3D4T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with C3D6T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with C3D8RT elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CAX4RT elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CPE4RT elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with C3D8RT elements.
Solid modeled with CAX4RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with RAX2 elements.
Solid modeled with CPE3T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R2D2 elements.
Solid modeled with CPS4RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R2D2 elements.
Solid modeled with C3D4T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R3D3 elements.
Solid modeled with C3D8RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R3D4 elements.
Solid modeled with CAX4RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with RAX2 elements.
Solid modeled with CPS4RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R2D2 elements.
Solid modeled with C3D8RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R3D4 elements.
Solid modeled with CAX4RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with CPE3T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with CPS4RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with C3D4T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with CAX4RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with CPE3T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with C3D4T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid and heat source modeled with CAX3T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CAX4RT elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CPE3T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CPE4RT elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CPS3T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CPS4RT elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with C3D4T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with C3D6T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with C3D8RT elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CAX3T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with CPE3T elements.
Solid and heat source modeled with C3D4T elements.
Solid modeled with CAX3T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with RAX2 elements.
Solid modeled with CPE4RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R2D2 elements.
Solid modeled with CPS3T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R2D2 elements.
Solid modeled with C3D6T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R3D4 elements.
Solid modeled with CAX3T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with RAX2 elements.
Solid modeled with CPS3T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R2D2 elements.
Solid modeled with C3D6T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with R3D4 elements.
Solid modeled with CAX3T elements; constant temperature heat source with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with CPE4RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with CPS3T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with C3D6T elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with C3D8RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with CAX3T elements; constant temperature heat source with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with CPE4RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.
Solid modeled with C3D8RT elements; constant temperature heat source modeled with an analytical rigid surface.