4.1.10 SDVINI

Product: ABAQUS/Standard  

Elements tested

CPS4    GKPS4   

Feature tested

User subroutine to define initial conditions for solution-dependent state variables.

Problem description

Six solution-dependent state variables are initialized in user subroutine SDVINI and are subsequently updated in user subroutine UMAT. The problem is a trivial linear elastic, static analysis of a single plane stress element. The purpose of this test is to show that the initial conditions of the solution-dependent state variables are interpreted correctly and to show that the solution-dependent state variables can be updated in another user subroutine. The analysis is repeated for a plane stress gasket element, and identical results are obtained.

Results and discussion

The results match the exact solution.

Input files


Input file for this analysis.


User subroutine SDVINI used in usdvinix.inp.