Product: ABAQUS/Standard
This section contains tests for direct input of sparse matrices in ABAQUS/Standard. The *MATRIX INPUT option is used to input data for matrices, and the *MATRIX ASSEMBLE option is used to identify the matrices as stiffnesses. Tests contain simple geometries with the *STATIC procedure.
A linear perturbation analysis is performed for a two-dimensional truss structure modeled with matrices.
Some of the truss elements are replaced by sparse matrices representing stiffness.
Material:Young's modulus = 2.0 × 1011, Poisson's ratio = 0.3.
Boundary conditions:
The truss model is simply supported with a hinge support on one end and a roller support on the other end. The nodes with boundary conditions are part of the matrices.
Concentrated loads are applied at nodes that are either part of the matrices or shared between a matrix and an element.
A multiple load case analysis is performed for a two-dimensional beam model consisting of beam elements and matrices connected by kinematic constraints. For verification purposes, each load case is also analyzed in a separate step.
Two beams, each consisting of one beam element and one matrix, are used. The first beam has a TIE MPC between a beam element node and a matrix node. The second beam has an *EQUATION between a beam element node and a matrix node.
Material:Young's modulus = 2.81 × 107, Poisson's ratio = 0.3.
Boundary conditions:
The beams are fixed at one end and free at the other end. The boundary conditions remain the same for all steps and load cases.
A concentrated load and moment are applied at the free end at a node that is part of the matrix for each beam. Each load is applied in a separate step and also as separate load cases in the multiple load case step.
Large-sliding contact is simulated by moving a single two-dimensional continuum element represented by a matrix over other elements.
The model contains two CPE4 elements and a matrix representing a CPE4 element. Contact is modeled with a node-based slave surface on the matrix nodes and an element-based master surface over the continuum elements.
Material:Young's modulus = 3.0 × 107, Poisson's ratio = 0.0, friction coefficient = 0.1.
Boundary conditions:
The continuum elements underlying the master surface are fully supported. Matrix nodes are pressed against the continuum element in the first step to simulate normal contact. In the second step, matrix nodes are moved tangent to the master surface to simulate large sliding.
The displacement solution indicates that the contact constraints are satisfied exactly.
Large-sliding contact model with matrix and two-dimensional continuum elements.
Matrix representing stiffness for a CPE4 element.
This problem demonstrates how to apply surface loads and predefined temperatures in matrix-based models.
A cube is modeled with a C3D6 element and a matrix representing another C3D6 element. The element shares nodes with the matrix. Surface elements are defined on the matrix nodes to apply surface loads.
Material:Young's modulus = 3.0 × 106, Poisson's ratio = 0.3.
Boundary conditions:
Boundary conditions are applied to all nodes in different directions.
Surface loads are applied to various faces of the cube. Predefined temperatures are applied for thermal straining.
Surface loads over the matrix nodes give the same results as the element-based model. Predefined temperatures at nodes shared between the matrix and the element produce correct thermal strains in the element. No effect is observed on the matrix behavior due to predefined temperatures at the matrix nodes.
Three-dimensional model with surface loads and predefined temperatures.
Matrix representing the stiffness for the C3D6 element.
A static analysis is performed with concentrated loads at the free end of a diving board.
The diving board is modeled using shell elements. The support for the diving board consisting of shell and beam elements is replaced by a sparse stiffness matrix.
Material:Young's modulus = 3.0 × 107, Poisson's ratio = 0.29.
Boundary conditions:
Nodes 5, 6, 7, 8, 70, 71, 72, 73, 210, and 213 (part of the matrix) are constrained in all six degrees of freedom.
The free end of the diving board is loaded with concentrated loads at the corner nodes.
The analysis provides displacements for the diving board and reaction forces at the boundary nodes on the matrix. The results match those obtained from an element-based model.
Diving board with support modeled through matrix.
Matrix representing stiffness for diving board support.
Diving board with support modeled using elements.
A natural frequency analysis is performed.
The diving board is modeled using shell elements. The support for the diving board consisting of shell and beam elements is replaced by sparse stiffness and mass matrices.
Material:Young's modulus = 3.0 × 107, Poisson's ratio = 0.29.
Boundary conditions:
Nodes 5, 6, 7, 8, 70, 71, 72, 73, 210, and 213 (part of the matrix) are constrained in all six degrees of freedom.
The analysis provides displacements for the diving board and reaction forces at the boundary nodes on the matrix. The results match those obtained from an element-based model.
Diving board with support modeled through matrix.
Matrix representing stiffness for diving board support.
Matrix representing mass for diving board support.
Diving board with support modeled using elements.