Product: ABAQUS/Standard
The transport and diffusion of a temperature pulse in the family of convective/diffusive heat transfer elements is tested in this verification set. The model consists of a column of fluid 2.0 units long with a cross-sectional area of 1.0. All models consist of 16 elements along the length and one element in the cross-section. The material property values used are: conductivity, 0.0015625; specific heat,
1.0; and density,
1.0. Consistency of all units is assumed.
An initial temperature pulse, of peak magnitude 1.0, in the form of a Gaussian wave is centered at 0.25 units along the length. At time zero, all the nodes in the model are assigned a mass flow rate of 0.25 in the length direction. The transient response of the temperature pulse as it convects down the length of the mesh is tracked for a period of two seconds.
The results show that the convective elements are able to propagate a temperature pulse with relatively minor diffusion.
DCC1D2 elements.
DCC1D2D elements.
DCC2D4 elements.
DCC2D4D elements.
DCC3D8 elements.
DCC3D8D elements.
DCCAX2 elements.
DCCAX2D elements.
DCCAX4 elements.
DCCAX4D elements.