Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Linear elastic, Young's modulus = 30 × 106, Poisson's ratio = 0.3.
Boundary conditions:
= 0,
= 0,
= 0,
= 0.
A distributed pressure of 1000/area is applied on each face, and equivalent concentrated forces for shear loading, defined such that all three shear stresses are of magnitude 1000.
1000 at every integration point.
1.3333 × 105,
8.6667 × 105.
For lower-order elements the test description is complete. For higher-order elements another step definition is included.
Elements using reduced integration may have additional boundary conditions to those specified above.
Elements C3D27R and C3D27RH employ 21 nodes in this test to produce the exact solutions. The lack of midface nodes is consistent with the elements' intended use, since no contact elements are present.
All elements except C3D20RH yield exact solutions. The stresses calculated for this element are correct.
The *SECTION FILE and *SECTION PRINT output requests are used in some of the input files to output accumulated quantities on the face in the y-z plane. The area of the face is 2.0 in both steps. The accumulated force is reported in a coordinate system that is local to the section. In Step 1 the force is 2000 in each local direction. In Step 2 the total force component in the local 1-direction (normal to the face) changes to 3000.
C3D4 elements.
C3D4H elements.
C3D6 elements.
C3D6H elements.
C3D8 elements.
C3D8H elements.
C3D8I elements.
C3D8IH elements.
C3D8R elements.
C3D8RH elements.
C3D10 elements.
C3D10H elements.
C3D10M elements.
C3D10MH elements.
C3D15 elements.
C3D15H elements.
C3D15V elements.
C3D15VH elements.
C3D20 elements.
C3D20H elements.
C3D20R elements.
C3D20RH elements.
C3D27 elements.
C3D27H elements.
C3D27R elements.
C3D27RH elements.