4.1.18 UMATHT

Product: ABAQUS/Standard  

Element tested


Feature tested

User subroutine to define a simple thermal constitutive behavior.

Problem description

User subroutine UMATHT is used to define the thermal behavior of the material for a transient heat transfer analysis. Isotropic conductivity and a constant specific heat for the material are assumed. The heat conduction in the material is governed by Fourier's law, and the gradient of the heat flux with respect to temperature is zero. The material properties—namely, conductivity and specific heat—are defined on the *USER MATERIAL, TYPE=THERMAL option and are passed into the user subroutine via the PROPS array.

Verification problem ec24dfd2.inp solves the same problem with the material properties defined using the standard *CONDUCTIVITY and *SPECIFIC HEAT options.

Results and discussion

The results of umathtxx.inp match those obtained from ec24dfd2.inp.

Input files


Input file for this analysis.


User subroutine UMATHT used in umathtxx.inp.