Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Incompressible fluid
Nearly incompressible fluid
Pneumatic fluid
Ambient pressure, = 14.7
Absolute zero temperature, = 460.
Reference density, = 10.0
Reference pressure for density, = 0.
Reference temperature for density, = 200.
Initial temperature, = 200.
(The units are not important.)
The tests in this section are set up as cases of homogeneous deformation of a “block” of hydrostatic fluid. The fluid pressure, temperature, and cavity volume at the cavity reference node are the results of interest. The pressure reported for the pneumatic fluid is the gauge pressure, not the absolute pressure.
The following five steps are executed:
Increase fluid temperature
Add prescribed amount of fluid
Remove prescribed amount of fluid
Decrease fluid temperature
Incompressible, thermal expansion with temperature dependence, F3D4 elements.
Nearly incompressible with temperature dependence, thermal expansion with temperature dependence, F3D4 elements.
Pneumatic, F2D2 elements.