ABAQUS/Explicit Element Index
This index provides a reference to all of the element types that are available in ABAQUS/Explicit. Elements are listed in alphabetical order, where numerical characters precede the letter “A” and two-digit numbers are put in numerical, rather than “alphabetical,” order. For example, C3D8R precedes CAX3.
AC2D4R | 4-node linear 2-D acoustic quadrilateral, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.3) |
AC3D8R | 8-node linear acoustic brick, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.4) |
ACAX4R | 4-node linear axisymmetric acoustic quadrilateral, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.6) |
C3D4T | 4-node thermally coupled tetrahedron, linear displacement and temperature (Section 22.1.4) |
C3D6T | 6-node thermally coupled triangular prism, linear displacement and temperature (Section 22.1.4) |
C3D8R | 8-node linear brick, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.4) |
C3D8RT | 8-node thermally coupled brick, trilinear displacement and temperature, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.4) |
C3D10MT | 10-node modified thermally coupled second-order tetrahedron (Section 22.1.4) |
CAX3T | 3-node thermally coupled axisymmetric triangle, linear displacement and temperature (Section 22.1.6) |
CAX4R | 4-node bilinear axisymmetric quadrilateral, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.6) |
CAX4RT | 4-node thermally coupled axisymmetric quadrilateral, bilinear displacement and temperature, hybrid, constant pressure, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.6) |
CAX6MT | 6-node modified second-order axisymmetric thermally coupled triangle (Section 22.1.6) |
CINAX4 | 4-node linear axisymmetric one-way infinite quadrilateral (Section 22.2.2) |
CINPE4 | 4-node linear plane strain one-way infinite quadrilateral (Section 22.2.2) |
CINPS4 | 4-node linear plane stress one-way infinite quadrilateral (Section 22.2.2) |
CONN2D2 | Connector element in a plane between two nodes or ground and a node (Section 25.1.4) |
CONN3D2 | Connector element in space between two nodes or ground and a node (Section 25.1.4) |
CPE3T | 3-node plane strain thermally coupled triangle, linear displacement and temperature (Section 22.1.3) |
CPE4R | 4-node bilinear plane strain quadrilateral, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.3) |
CPE4RT | 4-node bilinear plane strain thermally coupled quadrilateral, bilinear displacement and temperature, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.3) |
CPE6MT | 6-node modified second-order plane strain thermally coupled triangle (Section 22.1.3) |
CPS3T | 3-node plane stress thermally coupled triangle, linear displacement and temperature (Section 22.1.3) |
CPS4R | 4-node bilinear plane stress quadrilateral, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.3) |
CPS4RT | 4-node plane stress thermally coupled quadrilateral, bilinear displacement and temperature, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 22.1.3) |
CPS6MT | 6-node modified second-order plane stress thermally coupled triangle (Section 22.1.3) |
M3D4R | 4-node quadrilateral membrane, reduced integration, hourglass control (Section 23.1.2) |
R2D2 | 2-node 2-D linear rigid link (for use in plane strain or plane stress) (Section 24.3.2) |
RAX2 | 2-node linear axisymmetric rigid link (for use in axisymmetric geometries) (Section 24.3.2) |
S4R | 4-node doubly curved shell, reduced integration, hourglass control, finite membrane strains (Section 23.6.7) |
S4RS | 4-node doubly curved shell, reduced integration, hourglass control, small membrane strains (Section 23.6.7) |
S4RSW | 4-node doubly curved shell, reduced integration, hourglass control, small membrane strains, warping considered in small-strain formulation (Section 23.6.7) |
SC6R | 6-node triangular in-plane continuum shell wedge, general-purpose continuum shell, finite membrane strains. (Section 23.6.8) |
SC8R | 8-node quadrilateral in-plane general-purpose continuum shell, reduced integration with hourglass control, finite membrane strains. (Section 23.6.8) |
SFM3D4R | 4-node quadrilateral surface element, reduced integration (Section 26.7.2) |