23.6.9 Axisymmetric shell element library

Products: ABAQUS/Standard  ABAQUS/Explicit  ABAQUS/CAE  

For axisymmetric shell geometries in which nonaxisymmetric behavior is expected, use the SAXA elements available in ABAQUS/Standard (see Axisymmetric shell elements with nonlinear, asymmetric deformation, Section 23.6.10).



Coordinate 1 is r, coordinate 2 is z. The r-direction corresponds to the global X-direction, and the z-direction corresponds to the global Y-direction. Coordinate 1 should be greater than or equal to zero.

Degree of freedom 1 is , degree of freedom 2 is , and degree of freedom 6 is rotation in the rz plane.

ABAQUS does not automatically apply any boundary conditions to nodes located along the symmetry axis. You should apply radial or symmetry boundary conditions on these nodes if desired.

Point loads and concentrated fluxes should be given as the value integrated around the circumference (that is, the load on the complete ring).

The meridional direction is the direction that is tangent to the element in the rz plane; that is, the meridional direction is along the line that is rotated about the axis of symmetry to generate the full three-dimensional body.

The circumferential or hoop direction is the direction normal to the rz plane.

Element types

Stress/displacement elements

SAX12-node thin or thick linear shell
SAX2(S)    3-node thin or thick quadratic shell

Active degrees of freedom

1, 2, 6

Additional solution variables


Heat transfer elements

DSAX1(S)    2-node shell
DSAX2(S)    3-node shell

Active degrees of freedom

11, 12, 13, etc. (temperatures through the thickness as described in Choosing a shell element, Section 23.6.2)

Additional solution variables


Coupled temperature-displacement element

SAX2T(S)    3-node thin or thick shell, quadratic displacement, linear temperature in the shell surface

Active degrees of freedom

1, 2, 6 at all three nodes

11, 12, 13, etc. (temperatures through the thickness as described in Choosing a shell element, Section 23.6.2) at the end nodes

Additional solution variables


Nodal coordinates required

r, z, and optionally for shells with displacement degrees of freedom, , , the direction cosines of the shell normal at the node.

Element property definition

Shell thicknesses, offsets, and section stiffnesses can be defined on an element-by-element basis. See Assigning element properties on an element-by-element basis, Section 21.1.5.

Input File Usage:           Use either of the following options for stress/displacement elements:

Use the following option for heat transfer or coupled temperature-displacement elements:


In addition, use the following option for variable thickness shells:



Property module: Create Section: select Shell as the section Category and Homogeneous or Composite as the section Type

You cannot define variable thickness shells in ABAQUS/CAE.

Element-based loading

Distributed loads

Distributed loads are available for elements with displacement degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Distributed loads, Section 27.4.3.

Distributed load magnitudes are per unit area or per unit volume. They do not need to be multiplied by .

Body forces and centrifugal loads must be given as force per unit area if a general shell section is used.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  BR

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Body force per unit volume in the radial direction.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  BZ

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Body force per unit volume in the axial direction.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Nonuniform body force per unit volume in the radial direction, with the magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in ABAQUS/Standard and VDLOAD in ABAQUS/Explicit.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Nonuniform body force per unit volume in the global z-direction, with the magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in ABAQUS/Standard and VDLOAD in ABAQUS/Explicit.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  CENT(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–4 (ML–3T–2)

Description:  Centrifugal load (magnitude given as , where is the mass density and is the angular velocity). Since only axisymmetric deformation is allowed, the spin axis must be the z-axis.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Rotational body force

Units:  T–2

Description:  Centrifugal load (magnitude is input as , where is the angular velocity). Since only axisymmetric deformation is allowed, the spin axis must be the z-axis.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Gravity

Units:  LT–2

Description:  Gravity loading in a specified direction (magnitude input as acceleration).

Load ID (*DLOAD):  HP(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Hydrostatic pressure applied to the element reference surface and linear in global Z. The pressure is positive in the direction of the positive element normal.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  P

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Pressure applied to the element reference surface. The pressure is positive in the direction of the positive element normal.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  PNU

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Nonuniform pressure applied to the element reference surface with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in ABAQUS/Standard and VDLOAD in ABAQUS/Explicit. The pressure is positive in the direction of the positive element normal.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  SBF(E)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–5T2

Description:  Stagnation body force in radial and axial directions.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  SP(E)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–4T2

Description:  Stagnation pressure applied to the element reference surface.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Shear traction on the element reference surface.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Nonuniform shear traction on the element reference surface with magnitude and direction supplied via user subroutine UTRACLOAD.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  General traction on the element reference surface.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Nonuniform general traction on the element reference surface with magnitude and direction supplied via user subroutine UTRACLOAD.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  VBF(E)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–4T

Description:  Viscous body force in radial and axial directions.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  VP(E)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–3T

Description:  Viscous surface pressure. The viscous pressure is proportional to the velocity normal to the element face and opposing the motion.


Foundations are available for ABAQUS/Standard elements with displacement degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Element foundations, Section 2.2.2.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Elastic foundation

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Elastic foundation in the direction of the shell normal.

Distributed heat fluxes

Distributed heat fluxes are available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 27.4.4.

Load ID (*DFLUX):  BF(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body heat flux

Units:  JL–3 T–1

Description:  Body heat flux per unit volume.

Load ID (*DFLUX):  BFNU(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body heat flux

Units:  JL–3 T–1

Description:  Nonuniform body heat flux per unit volume with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DFLUX.

Load ID (*DFLUX):  SNEG(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  JL–2 T–1

Description:  Surface heat flux per unit area into the bottom face of the element.

Load ID (*DFLUX):  SPOS(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  JL–2 T–1

Description:  Surface heat flux per unit area into the top face of the element.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  JL–2 T–1

Description:  Nonuniform surface heat flux per unit area into the bottom face of the element with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DFLUX.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  JL–2 T–1

Description:  Nonuniform surface heat flux per unit area into the top face of the element with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DFLUX.

Film conditions

Film conditions are available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 27.4.4.

Load ID (*FILM):  FNEG(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface film condition

Units:  JL–2 T –1–1

Description:  Film coefficient and sink temperature (units of ) provided on the bottom face of the element.

Load ID (*FILM):  FPOS(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface film condition

Units:  JL–2 T–1–1

Description:  Film coefficient and sink temperature (units of ) provided on the top face of the element.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  JL–2 T–1–1

Description:  Nonuniform film coefficient and sink temperature (units of ) provided on the bottom face of the element with magnitude supplied via user subroutine FILM.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  JL–2 T–1–1

Description:  Nonuniform film coefficient and sink temperature (units of ) provided on the top face of the element with magnitude supplied via user subroutine FILM.

Radiation types

Radiation conditions are available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 27.4.4.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  Dimensionless

Description:  Emissivity and sink temperature (units of ) provided for the bottom face of the shell.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  Dimensionless

Description:  Emissivity and sink temperature (units of ) provided for the top face of the shell.

Surface-based loading

Distributed loads

Surface-based distributed loads are available for elements with displacement degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Distributed loads, Section 27.4.3.

Distributed load magnitudes are per unit area or per unit volume. They do not need to be multiplied by .

Load ID (*DSLOAD):  HP(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Hydrostatic pressure on the element reference surface and linear in global Z. The pressure is positive in the direction opposite the surface normal.

Load ID (*DSLOAD):  P

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Pressure on the element reference surface. The pressure is positive in the direction opposite to the surface normal.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Nonuniform pressure on the element reference surface with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in ABAQUS/Standard and VDLOAD in ABAQUS/Explicit. The pressure is positive in the direction opposite to the surface normal.

Load ID (*DSLOAD):  SP(E)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–4T2

Description:  Stagnation pressure applied to the element reference surface.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface traction

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Shear traction on the element reference surface.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Nonuniform shear traction on the element reference surface with magnitude and direction supplied via user subroutine UTRACLOAD.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface traction

Units:  FL–2

Description:  General traction on the element reference surface.


ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Nonuniform general traction on the element reference surface with magnitude and direction supplied via user subroutine UTRACLOAD.

Load ID (*DSLOAD):  VP(E)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–3T

Description:  Viscous surface pressure. The viscous pressure is proportional to the velocity normal to the element surface and opposing the motion.

Distributed heat fluxes

Surface-based heat fluxes are available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 27.4.4.

Load ID (*DSFLUX):  S(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface heat flux

Units:  JL–2 T–1

Description:  Surface heat flux per unit area into the element surface.

Load ID (*DSFLUX):  SNU(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface heat flux

Units:  JL–2 T–1

Description:  Nonuniform surface heat flux per unit area into the element surface with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DFLUX.

Film conditions

Surface-based film conditions are available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 27.4.4.

Load ID (*SFILM):  F(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface film condition

Units:  JL–2 T–1–1

Description:  Film coefficient and sink temperature (units of ) provided on the element surface.

Load ID (*SFILM):  FNU(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface film condition

Units:  JL–2 T–1–1

Description:  Nonuniform film coefficient and sink temperature (units of ) provided on the element surface with magnitude supplied via user subroutine FILM.

Radiation types

Surface-based radiation conditions are available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 27.4.4.

Load ID (*SRADIATE):  R(S)

ABAQUS/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface radiation to ambient

Units:  Dimensionless

Description:  Emissivity and sink temperature (units of ) provided for the element surface.

Incident wave loading

Surface-based incident wave loads are available. They are specified as described in Acoustic, shock, and coupled acoustic-structural analysis, Section 6.9.1. If the incident wave field includes a reflection off a plane outside the boundaries of the mesh, this effect can be included.

Element output

Stress, strain, and other tensor components

Stress and other tensors (including strain tensors) are available for elements with displacement degrees of freedom. All tensors have the same components. For example, the stress components are as follows:


Meridional stress.


Hoop (circumferential) stress.

Section forces, moments, and transverse shear forces

Available for elements with displacement degrees of freedom.


Membrane force per unit width in the meridional direction.


Membrane force per unit width in the hoop direction.


Transverse shear force per unit width in the meridional direction (available only from ABAQUS/Standard).


Integrated stress in the thickness direction; always zero (available only from ABAQUS/Standard).


Bending moment per unit width about the hoop direction.


Bending moment per unit width about the meridional direction.

Section strains, curvature changes, and transverse shear strains

Available for elements with displacement degrees of freedom.


Membrane strain in the meridional direction.


Membrane strain in the hoop direction.


Transverse shear strain in the meridional direction (available only from ABAQUS/Standard).


Strain in the thickness direction (available only from ABAQUS/Standard).


Curvature change about the hoop direction.


Curvature change about the meridional direction.

Shell thickness


Shell thickness, which is the current thickness for SAX1, SAX2, and SAX2T elements.

Heat flux components

Available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom.


Heat flux in the meridional direction.


Heat flux in the thickness direction.

Node ordering on elements

Numbering of integration points for output