C.1 Overview
During the tutorial you will create an assembly composed of a hinge held together by a pin. The assembled part instances and the final mesh are illustrated in Figure C1.
The tutorial consists of the following sections:
Creating the first half of the hinge, Section C.2
Assigning section properties to the hinge part, Section C.3
Creating and modifying a second hinge piece, Section C.4
Creating the pin, Section C.5
Assembling the model, Section C.6
Defining analysis steps, Section C.7
Creating surfaces to use in contact interactions, Section C.8
Defining contact between regions of the model, Section C.9
Applying boundary conditions and loads to the assembly, Section C.10
Meshing the assembly, Section C.11
Creating and submitting a job, Section C.12
Viewing the results of your analysis, Section C.13