You can customize how your model appears in undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. For the undeformed and deformed plot states, all of the customization options applied to the model shape are plot state–independent. That is, ABAQUS/CAE applies the customizations to all undeformed and deformed plots, including those that also display contours, symbols, or material orientations. The plot state–independent options govern the render style and fill color; element and surface edges; element colors; the appearance of model labels, node symbols, and display bodies; the movement of the camera; the display of various model entities; the smoothness of curved edges; the color of elements with no results; and model sweeping and extrusion. Use the Options menu in the main menu bar to choose from these plot state–independent customization options.
Select ToolsColor Code from the main menu bar to color individual elements. Select Options
Display Body from the main menu bar to customize the appearance of all display bodies in your model. Select View
View Options from the main menu bar to customize the movement of the camera. To choose from the remaining plot state–independent options, select View
ODB Display Options from the main menu bar. If you choose to superimpose the deformed model shape on the undeformed shape for the same plot state, select Options
Superimpose from the main menu bar to customize the undeformed shape independently from the deformed shape. Like the other plot state–independent customizations, these plot options are applied to superimposed plots in all plot states.
Note: Displaying model labels and/or symbols in the viewport can increase the amount of time needed to refresh the display for plots and animations.
In addition to the plot state–independent customization options, you can select plot state–dependent options for the contour, symbol, and material orientation plot states. The plot state–dependent options are unique to each plot type. For example, you can customize the contour color spectrum, the size and style of symbols, and the display of material orientation triad axes. If a similar customization such as the color of model edges in the common and contour plot options can be made using both independent and dependent plot options, the plot state–dependent option overrides the independent option.
Select FileSave Options from the main menu bar to save both your plot state–dependent and plot state–independent customization options. Saving your customization options allows you to apply them to subsequent ABAQUS/CAE sessions. For more information, see Saving your display options settings, Section 50.12.
ABAQUS/CAE provides the following customization options:
Render style
Render style is the style in which ABAQUS/CAE displays your model. Render style is a plot state–independent option; that is, you set it once for all undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. However, you can set a different value of render style for use with the undeformed shape in a superimposed plot. Render style choices include wireframe, filled, hidden, and lightsource-shaded. For more information, see Customizing render style, translucency, and fill color, Section 36.2.
Element and surface edge style and visibility
Edge style is the line style and thickness of element and surface edges; edge visibility is the extent to which ABAQUS/CAE displays these edges. Edge style and visibility options are plot state–independent, but you can set them differently for use with the undeformed shape in a superimposed plot. For more information, see Customizing element and surface edges, Section 36.3.
Element and surface edge color
You can control the overall color of element and surface edges using the plot state–independent Color & Style options. In addition, you can customize the edge color of individual elements and surfaces using the plot state–independent Color Code dialog box. By default, the color code selections override the overall colors. For more information on overall edge coloring, see Selecting overall element and surface edge color, Section 36.3.3. To learn more about individual item edge coloring, see Customizing the display color of individual objects, Section 51.6. Individual item edge coloring applies only to wireframe and hidden render style plots.
Element face and surface fill color
You can control the overall fill color of element faces and surfaces using the plot state–independent Color & Style options. In addition, you can customize the face color of individual elements using the plot state–independent Color Code dialog box. By default, the color code selections override the overall colors. For more information on overall fill color, see Selecting overall fill color, Section 36.2.3. To learn more about individual item color filling, see Customizing the display color of individual objects, Section 51.6. Individual item fill coloring applies only to filled and shaded render style plots.
Model labels and node symbols
You can change the visibility and customize the color and font of element, node, and face labels and the color and style of node symbols. All of these options are plot state–independent. For more information, see Customizing model labels, Section 36.5.
Element and surface normals
You can choose to display arrows representing the element or surface normals in the model. The arrows are visible in all plot states, and you can control the arrow size, color, and arrowhead style. For more information, see Displaying element and surface normals, Section 36.7.
Display body appearance
You can customize the render style; edge visibility, color, and style; fill color; scaling; and translucency for all display bodies in your model. These options are plot state–independent when applied to display bodies. For more information, see Customizing the appearance of display bodies, Section 36.8.
Camera movement
You can select a coordinate system and match the motion of that coordinate system with the camera. You can also make the camera follow the rotation of the selected coordinate system. If you are using the camera in movie mode, you can also position the camera in the model at the origin of the coordinate system. For more information, see Customizing camera movement, Section 36.9.
Entity display
You can control the display of symbols representing various model entities, including boundary conditions, coupling constraints, connectors, coordinate systems, and point elements. Entity display options are plot state–independent. For more information, see Controlling the display of model entities, Section 36.10.
General model display options
ABAQUS/CAE offers several other plot state–independent general model display options. These options include:
Sweep/Extrude to control the three-dimensional display of two-dimensional models. For more information, see Sweeping and extruding your model, Section 36.11.1.
Mirror/Pattern to simulate the display of a complete model when only a representative portion of the model was analyzed. For more information, see Using mirrors and patterns to display your results, Section 36.11.2.
Curved Lines & Faces to control how quadratic and cubic element edges and faces are displayed. For more information, see Refining curved edges and faces, Section 36.11.3.
Elements with No Results to control the color of elements having no results (for example, rigid surfaces) in contour plots. For more information, see Coloring elements with no results, Section 36.11.4.