
From CSE538 Online Wiki
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Videos of Pre-recorded Lectures and Preview Problems

Videos of lectures and discussions of preview and practice problems are accessible in pre-recorded and live formats, both from the course Canvas pages section:

  • Pre-recorded videos are accessible from a Canvas page.
  • Videos recordings of the live fall 2020 lecture are also accessible from another Canvas page.

Note that videos walking you through the preview problems are also accessible and you can, therefore check them ahead of the due date of the problems. However, to properly learn the material, it is best that you attempt to do the problems on your own first and only resort to the videos if you are really stumped by a problem and cannot wait for us to cover it in class.

Practice & Review Problems

Practice problems are primarily from the textbook. Because their solutions are not meant to be publicly distributed, they are only accessible in Canvas. Please do not post any of those solutions on public repositories. If you have problems accessing the Canvas page, first login to Canvas and then try again.

Practice problems on Canvas

Review problems are typically compiled from past exams and quizzes and are, therefore, available at multiple places on the wiki, e.g., on the Exams page. Towards making them more accessible from a "review" perspective, they are, when available, pulled together into per unit blocks as listed below.

Other Course Material (links to other wiki sections)

  • Slides
  • Homework assignments - Note that solutions are only accessible from the Assignments section on Canvas
  • Preview problems - Note that solutions are only accessible from the Assignments section on Canvas
  • Past exams and quizzes and their solutions. Note that the course format changed somewhat in 2020 as midterm and final exams were eliminated and, as a result, the number of quizzes was increased from 4 to 6. Nevertheless, the format of the quizzes remain mostly the same, and past exams give you access to additional practice problems.


Queueing Theory Books

Traffic Theory Books

Various Notes on Queueing