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**[[N-Queens/Sudoku Assignment]] (weight=3; 8.57%)
**[[N-Queens/Sudoku Assignment]] (weight=3; 8.57%)
**[[K-MerCounting_Assignment]] (weight=3; 8.57%)
**[[K-MerCounting_Assignment]] (weight=3; 8.57%)
=Labs and Studios=
These studios and assignments are organized in chronological order.
==Lab: [[Nucleobase Counting]]==
==Studio: [[Slices]]==
==Lab: [[Iterator,_Collection,_and_Map]]==
==Studio: [[MergeSort]]==
==Studio: [[Floodfill]]==
==Studio: [[Fibonacci]]==
==Lab: [[Threads and Executors]]==
==Studio: [[Data Races Studio]]==
==Studio: [[Matrix Multiply]]==
==Lab: [[MapReduce]]==
==Studio: [[MapReduce#Cards_MapReduce_Studio|Cards MapReduce Studio]]==
==Studio: [[MapReduce#Cholera_MapReduce_Studio|Cholera MapReduce Studio]]==
==Studio: [[MapReduce#K-Mer_MapReduce_Studio|K-Mer MapReduce Studio]]==
==Studio: [[Legged Races]]==
==Lab: [[N-Queens/Sudoku Assignment]]==
==Studio: [[Pipeline]]==
==Studio: [[DataFlow]]==
==Studio: [[Locking | Lock Ordering]]==
==Lab: [[K-MerCounting Assignment]]==
==Studio: [[AllOrNothingLocks | All or Nothing Locks]]==
<!--#*Studio: [[ConnectFour]]-->
==Fun: [[Raytrace_Scheduler]]==

Revision as of 01:52, 24 January 2018

Welcome to the wiki for CSE 231 Introduction to Parallel and Concurrent Programming at Washington University in St. Louis.


Click here to visit our calendar.

Important Dates

Midterm (EVENING) Exam

Wednesday, March 21st from 6:30-8:30 p.m in McMillan G052

Final Exam

Students in the 2:30-4:00 Section may take the exam in the earlier date (Tuesday) if they inform the instructor sufficiently in advance so that a test can be printed.

It should go without saying, but do NOT show up to the final on Tuesday out of breath with some crazy excuse about how you can't take the exam today and ask to be able to take it on Wednesday.

1:00-2:30 Section

Tuesday, May 8 2018 1:00PM - 3:00PM will be held in ??? Hall, Room ??? [1]

2:30-4:00 Section

Wednesday, May 9 2018 3:30PM - 5:30PM will be held in ??? Hall, Room ??? [2]


Class Policies

Office hours

Grading breakdown



Habanero Content Assist

Lambda Content Assist


upper lower split

integer range

Getting Around Finality

N-Way Split

Parallel N-Way Split


Divide and Conquer





Every week, we gather the most commonly asked questions from your Q&S forms and add them to our FAQ section. Please use it as a resource!

Course Setup


We will use educational videos made by Rice University as prep work for the course. Sign up for an account here.

You will also need to set up some software for the course. Refer to the articles below for help.

Help with Java

Help with Habanero

Help with Eclipse