Balanced String Map K Mer Counting Assignment

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Individual Assignment

This is an individual assignment.

Previous Assignment

Be sure to complete the unbalanced String Map K-mer Counting group warmup first.

Code to Implement


class: Java.png
methods: constructor
package: kmer.warmup
source folder: student/src/main/java

Note: this class forces a somewhat ridiculous amount of abstraction when it comes to constructing new ConcurrentMaps. The constructor will be passed a KMerBalancer and Supplier to be used instead of, for example, constructing a DefaultKMerBalancer and ConcurrentHashMaps directly. This allows the testing to catch errors sooner in an effort to aid debugging.

constructor and instance variable

Hang onto the balancer passed to the constructor in an instance variable so you can use them later.

public StringConcurrentMapBalancedKMerCounter(KMerBalancer balancer)


Return the balancer passed to the constructor.


method: public StringMapKMerResults parse(List<byte[]> sequences, int k) Parallel.svg (parallel implementation required)

This implementation will make your StringConcurrentMapUnbalancedKMerCounter implementation into a balanced one.

Testing Your Solution

class: Junit.png
package: kmer.warmup
source folder: testing/src/test/java