11.9.2 Shell features

A shell feature is an idealization of a solid in which thickness is considered small compared to the width and depth. To create a shell feature, select ShapeShell from the main menu bar or select one of the shell tools in the Part module toolbox. You create a shell feature by using the shell tools to do one of the following:

You can use any of the shell tools to add a shell feature to a part that you created in three-dimensional modeling space; however, when you are working on parts created in two-dimensional or axisymmetric modeling space, you can use only the planar shell tool to add a shell feature. You use the Property module to create a section prescribing the desired thickness and to assign the section to the shell feature. For more information, see Defining sections, Section 12.2.3, and Which properties can I assign to a part?, Section 12.3.

Many of the figures illustrate how the shell features might later be meshed. You can mesh a shell feature using:

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