Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Preparing an ABAQUS analysis for co-simulation involves the following:
identifying the ABAQUS analysis step for a co-simulation event;
identifying the third-party software communicating with ABAQUS during the co-simulation analysis;
identifying the interface regions in the ABAQUS model and the third-party software model; and
identifying the solution quantities exchanged during the co-simulation event.
The co-simulation event need not begin at the start of the first step in an ABAQUS analysis. However, it does need to start with a step and end within that step. Hence, you need to define the step durations in ABAQUS such that the start of the co-simulation event falls at the beginning of an ABAQUS step and to define that particular step so that the co-simulation event ends by the end of that step. Regular loads and boundary conditions for the ABAQUS model, particularly away from the interface regions, are specified as usual. The co-simulation technique can be used with the following procedure types in ABAQUS:
Input File Usage: | Use the following option within a step definition to indicate the beginning of a co-simulation event: |
You can choose either the MpCCI, typically for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems, or the MADYMO program, typically for crash safety simulation problems, to communicate with ABAQUS during a co-simulation.
Input File Usage: | Use the following option to choose MpCCI as the interface: |
*CO-SIMULATION, PROGRAM=MPCCI Use the following option to choose the occupant simulation program MADYMO: *CO-SIMULATION, PROGRAM=MADYMO |
Interaction between the ABAQUS model and the third-party analysis software model takes place through a common interface region. In ABAQUS the interface region can consist of one or more element-based surfaces (see Defining element-based surfaces, Section 2.3.2).
The model data defining the interface region, such as the surface name and user-given element and node labels of the underlying region, are exported to the third-party analysis software. You can use these data to pair the interface regions between ABAQUS and the third-party analysis software. For further information about pairing interface regions with the third-party analysis software, consult the ABAQUS User's Guide for Fluid-Structure Interaction Using ABAQUS and FLUENT or the ABAQUS User's Guide for Crash Safety Simulation Using ABAQUS/Explicit and MADYMO.
Input File Usage: | Use the following option to define the interface region: |
*CO-SIMULATION REGION surface_A, surface_B, |
The coupling of the subdomain models can be through loads, boundary conditions, or contact conditions prescribed at the interface; for example, continuous heat flux across the interface or continuity of a temperature field at the interface. Based on the interaction type and its enforcement, you can specify the solution quantities that need to be exchanged during the simulation. Table 13.1.21 lists the solution quantities and the quantity identifiers that can be exchanged during a co-simulation.
Table 13.1.21 Solution quantity identifiers and quantity types.
Quantity ID | Description | Units |
CF | Concentrated nodal force | F |
COORD | Current nodal coordinates | L |
FILM | Film coefficient and ambient temperature (fluid temperature) | ![]() ![]() |
FV1–FV19 | Field variables 1–19 | |
HFL | Surface heat flux | ![]() |
NT | Wall temperature (or nodal temperature) | ![]() |
PRESS | Normal pressure | ![]() |
TEMP | Nodal temperature for a stress analysis | ![]() |
U | Nodal displacement | L |
VEL | Nodal velocities | L/T |
Table 13.1.22 Solution quantities that can be imported/exported for a particular ABAQUS procedure.
Procedure | Import | Export |
Static stress analysis, Section 6.2.2 | CF, PRESS, TEMP, FV1–FV19 | COORD, U |
Implicit dynamic analysis using direct integration, Section 6.3.2 | CF, PRESS, TEMP, FV1–FV19 | COORD, U, VEL |
Explicit dynamic analysis, Section 6.3.3 | CF | COORD, U |
Uncoupled heat transfer analysis, Section 6.5.2 | HFL, FILM, FV1–FV19 | NT |
Fully coupled thermal-stress analysis, Section 6.5.4 (ABAQUS/Standard only) | CF, HFL, FILM, PRESS, FV1–FV19 | COORD, U, NT |
Coupled thermal-electrical analysis, Section 6.6.2 | HFL, FILM, FV1–FV19, | NT |
Piezoelectric analysis, Section 6.6.3 | CF, PRESS, TEMP, FV1–FV19 | COORD, U |
Coupled pore fluid diffusion and stress analysis, Section 6.7.1 | CF, PRESS, TEMP, FV1–FV19 | COORD, U |
Quasi-static analysis, Section 6.2.5 | CF, PRESS, TEMP, FV1–FV19 | COORD, U |
Each region can have a separate list of solution quantities to be imported and exported. For coupling between ABAQUS/Explicit and MADYMO, ABAQUS needs to export only the coordinates and import only the concentrated nodal force (see The solution quantities exchanged with MADYMO” in “Co-simulation with MADYMO, Section 13.1.4).
Input File Usage: | Use the following option to import data into ABAQUS: |
*CO-SIMULATION REGION, IMPORT surface_A, quantity_I1, surface_A, quantity_I2 surface_B, quantity_I3 Use the following option to export data from ABAQUS: *CO-SIMULATION REGION, EXPORT surface_A, quantity_E1, ... surface_A, quantity_E2, ... surface_B, quantity_E3 For uni-directional coupling specify one of the above options. For bi-directional coupling specify both options. |
Both concentrated forces and normal pressure, if imported, are ramped from the values of the previous exchange time point to those of the next target time point in ABAQUS/Standard and are kept constant over the exchange interval in ABAQUS/Explicit.
Concentrated normal forces can be viewed in the Visualization module of ABAQUS/CAE for an ABAQUS/Standard simulation by requesting output variable CF.
Use surface heat flux (HFL) for a distributed heat flux entering the surface. Use film properties (FILM) to model convection governed by
Field variables are time-dependent, predefined fields that exist over the spatial domain of the model (see Predefined fields, Section 27.6.1). The usage and treatment of a field variable is analogous to that of temperature. An example of a field variable is an electromagnetic field. ABAQUS has no way of solving such a field; rather, a third-party electromagnetic analysis could be coupled to ABAQUS to prescribe the magnitude and time variation of the field over the interface region.
Field variables must be numbered consecutively starting with one. Field variables can be defined:
by entering the data directly,
by reading an ABAQUS results file,
in an ABAQUS/Standard user subroutine, and
through the co-simulation interface.
If field variables are defined by multiple methods, ABAQUS processes them in the order defined above. Care needs be taken when field variables are used with structural elements, such as membranes and shells. In this case only the top or bottom face forming the interface region receives a value.
The model in ABAQUS can be either two-dimensional, three-dimensional, or axisymmetric.
Vector quantities are defined according to ABAQUS conventions; the first component represents the quantity along the x-axis, the second quantity represents the quantity along the y-axis, and the third quantity represents the quantity along the -axis (for three-dimensional models). For axisymmetric models in ABAQUS the axis of revolution is about the y-axis. These conventions apply to both the exported and the imported vector quantities.
Any vector quantity that is exported is expressed in the global coordinate system of the ABAQUS model, ignoring any transformation definitions. Similarly, the third-party program must provide vector quantities that are imported into ABAQUS in the global coordinate system of the ABAQUS model.
ABAQUS does not require that the analysis be run with a particular unit system. In general, the unit system used in creating the ABAQUS model may not be the same as that used with the third-party software model. When the two unit systems differ, the solution quantities exchanged between the two programs must go through a transformation of units.
In the case of co-simulation using MpCCI, the unit transformation is performed by MpCCI (see the MpCCI User's Manual for further details).
In the case of co-simulation with MADYMO, ABAQUS provides a method for conversion between the unit systems (see Co-simulation with MADYMO, Section 13.1.4).
Co-simulation is subject to the following limitations:
A double-sided surface cannot be used as an interface region.
A surface defined over beam and truss elements or defined over the edges of three-dimensional elements cannot be used as an interface region.
A surface defined over quadratic two-dimensional elements, modified triangular elements, or modified tetrahedral elements cannot be used as an interface region.
The steps in the ABAQUS model must be defined such that the co-simulation event fits entirely within a single ABAQUS step. Further, there can be only one co-simulation event in the ABAQUS model.