14.8 Synchronizing viewport animations

Products: ABAQUS/CAE  ABAQUS/Viewer  

Benefits: You can now synchronize different viewports, so that they increment together when you display animations. Synchronization can be frame-based, in which all viewports increment a frame at a time; or time-based, in which the viewports proceed along a common time line.

Description: The new animation controls in the Visualization module enable you to synchronize animations displayed in different viewports and to define the scale for the synchronization. Frame-based synchronization allows all synchronized animations to increment together one frame at a time, while time-based synchronization animates viewports according to a common time line. You can synchronize animations of the same model or of different models; however, only time-based steps are taken into account for time-based synchronization.

By default, ABAQUS/CAE synchronizes all viewports that are displaying an animation. The Viewports page in the Animation Options dialog box, shown in Figure 14–9, displays a listing of all animation-compatible viewports in your session; toggling a viewport's checkbox on this page includes or excludes that viewport from the animation.

Figure 14–9 Viewports page in the Animation Options dialog box.

To accommodate this change in animation playback, the movie player controls have been moved from the viewport's prompt area to the context bar.

Visualization module:
   OptionsAnimation: Viewports tab

ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual