14.4 Animating layers in an overlay plot

Products: ABAQUS/CAE  ABAQUS/Viewer  

Benefits: You can now work with and animate individual layers in an overlay plot. You can also choose which animation-eligible layers of an overlay plot you want to animate in a synchronized animation.

Description: Overlay plots are now an option rather than a plot mode, and this change enables you to work with the current layer of an overlay plot. You can perform any activity in the current layer that you perform in any viewport; for example, you can animate, highlight, or pick data in the current layer. You cannot, however, change modules or change the displayed object type for any layer.

Version 6.6 also includes two changes to the Overlay Plot Layer Manager dialog box, shown in Figure 14–4. The Mode column has been removed, because the Visualization module no longer uses plot modes. The “action” button, which was labeled Plot/Apply in Version 6.5, now indicates the possible action by reading Plot Overlay when overlay is off and Plot Single when overlay is on.

Figure 14–4 The Overlay Plot Layer Manager dialog box.

You can also control the animation of layers in an overlay plot by selecting and deselecting them in the Viewports area of the Animation Options dialog box. When you select an animation-eligible layer and click Apply, ABAQUS/CAE animates all selected layers of the overlay plot in the viewport.

Visualization module:
   ViewOverlay Plot

ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual