14.2 Improved animation output

Products: ABAQUS/CAE  ABAQUS/Viewer  

Benefits: You can now save animations in compressed or uncompressed Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) format. The functionality for existing formats has also been enhanced: for AVI or Quicktime format you can now specify the frame rate for the saved animation; and for AVI format on Windows systems, you can also use a video codec to compress the data and specify the quality of compression for the saved animation.

Description: You can save animations in either VRML and Compressed VRML format. Because both VRML formats store three-dimensional data, this enhancement improves the functionality of animation output over the two-dimensional AVI and Quicktime formats. When you save an animation in either VRML format, you can include only the current viewport in the saved animation; you can, however, still save all open viewports to an animation file when you save in AVI or Quicktime formats.

You can also specify the frame rate of the saved animation when you select AVI or Quicktime format. In the Save Image Animation dialog box, type any positive integer value in the Rate field or drag the slider to a frame rate value between 1 and 50 frames/second.

When you select AVI format on Windows systems, you can compress the saved animation using any video codec on your system. ABAQUS/CAE lists all available codecs in the Codec field of the AVI Options dialog box (Figure 14–2).

Figure 14–2 Codec and Quality selections in the AVI Options dialog box.

In addition, saving animations in AVI format on Windows systems also allows you to specify the quality of compression for the saved animation. If you drag the quality slider to a higher number, ABAQUS reduces the level of compression and, thus, increases the quality of the saved animation.

Visualization module:
   AnimateSave As: Format: VRML or Compressed VRML
   AnimateSave As: Format: AVI or Quicktime: select Frame Rate
   AnimateSave As: Format: AVI: click AVI Options: select Codec and Quality

ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual