Benefits: You can improve mesh quality by allowing ABAQUS/CAE to determine when it is appropriate to use mapped meshing on faces.
Description: When you are free meshing a complex part or region, you can allow ABAQUS/CAE to determine when it is appropriate to use mapped meshing on four-sided boundary faces. Mapped meshing is the same as structured meshing but applies only to four-sided regions. In most cases a mapped mesh generates improved mesh quality compared with a free mesh.
You can request that ABAQUS/CAE use mapped meshing where appropriate when you are doing the following:
Using the advancing front algorithm to sweep mesh a solid region with hexahedral or hexahedral-dominated elements.
Using the advancing front algorithm to free mesh a shell region with quadrilateral or quadrilateral-dominated elements.
Free meshing a solid region with tetrahedral elements.
Free meshing a region with triangular elements.
For example, Figure 125 shows the effect of allowing mapped meshing where appropriate in a free mesh of a solid part using tetrahedral elements. The mesh quality is improved in four-sided regions that can be mapped meshed.
Mesh module: MeshControls