Introduction to Data Structures

Copyright © 1996-97 Kenneth J. Goldman

So far we've seen objects as containers of data with methods to operate on the data. For example, a bank account objects holds a balance; a calorie counter holds grams of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.

But in all of these cases, we knew ahead of time exactly how much data needed to be stored, and we allocated an instance variable to hold each piece of information.

However, we often want to store collections of data such as

In these cases, we may not know how much data is needed until the program actually runs, and depending on what the users of the program do, the amount of data may change over time.

So we can't handle this problem by creating an object with a separate instance variable for each piece of data. We need a way to store collections of data that may grow and shrink dynamically over time, and we need to organize the information so that we can access it using efficient algorithms.

The way information is organized in the memory of a computer is called a data structure. Let's explore this idea in terms of a simple example.

Suppose we want to store a list of integers. Let's define an object to hold a single item in the list.

public class ListItem {
   public int number;

   ListItem(int n) {
      number = n;
This is fine, except that it holds only one number. In a list, though, we expect that there is some way to scan down the list, to get to the next item in a list. It turns out that the instance variables in objects are not limited to primitive data types. So we can define instance variables that hold references to other objects. In particular, we can define an instance variable to refer to the next item in the list.
public class ListItem {
   public int number;
   public ListItem next;     // Reference to the next item in the list

   ListItem(int n, ListItem next) {
      number = n; = next;
How will we mark the end of the list? We will set next = null.

Will this work? Let's see how it looks in memory. For example, suppose we execute the following code:

ListItem a = new ListItem(3, null);
ListItem b = new ListItem(7, a);
ListItem c = new ListItem(4, b);
Each time we execute new, an object is created in the heap area of the computer's memory. The variables a, b, and c are on the stack. Let's draw an object and reference diagram to show how this looks.


Let's use this idea to add a toString method to our ListItem class, so we can print out the contents of the list.

How will we create a string containing all the numbers in the list? We can walk down the list recursively. Here the termination condition is when next is null, so there are no more items. The recursive call is next.toString().

public String toString() {
   if (next == null)
      return (" " + number);
      return (" " + number + next.toString());
(The last line could also be written return (" " + number + next);)

Using the substitution model, let's trace the execution of

" " + 4 + next.toString()
" " + 4 + " " + 7 + next.toString()
" " + 4 + " " + 7 + " " + 3
" 4 7 3"
Note: next is different for each recursive call, since it is the reference to the next element of the list following this. Continuing with our example, suppose we executed =;

Now, if we evaluate

we get
" 4 3"

" 7 3"

" 3"
Notice that the object containing 3 is shared by all three lists.

In memory, the objects are actually stored at particular memory addresses, and the references contain the addresses of the objects they reference. For example, the data structure above might be stored as follows, with two memory locations for each object, one holding number and one holding next.

1010 (null)
105 102  100

In this case, a would contain a reference to the address 100, b to address 102, and c to address 104.

Recursion over Linked Lists

Let's try writing some additional methods for the ListItem class to get some practice working with lists.

sum() returns the sum of all the numbers in the list.

public int sum() {
   if (next == null)
      return number;
      return number + next.sum();
min() returns the smallest number in the list.
public int min() {
   if (next == null)
      return number;
      return Math.min(number, next.min());
copy() returns a copy of the list.
public ListItem copy() {
   if (next == null)
      return new ListItem(number, null);
      return new ListItem(number, next.copy());
Now, how about working with more than one list?

dotProduct(ListItem list) returns the dot product of this list and the given list. For example,

(2 3 4) · (1 2 3) = 2·1 + 3·2 + 4·3 = 20.
public int dotProduct(ListItem list) {
   if (next == null)
      return number * list.number;
      return number * list.number + next.dotProduct(;
For example, using the substitution model (and abusing notation),
(2 3 4).dotProduct((1 2 3))
2 * 1 + (3 4).dotProduct((2 3))
2 * 1 + 3 * 2 + (4).dotProduct((3))
2 * 1 + 3 * 2 + 4 * 3
=> 20
One more: last() returns the last ListItem in the list.
public ListItem last() {
   if (next == null)
      return this;
      return next.last();

Iteration over Lists

We have used recursion as a natural way to implement operations on linked lists. For example, if the ListItem class contains an integer number and a reference to the next ListItem, we have processed a list by performing an operation on the number and combining the result with a recursive call to process the rest of the list. For example, to sum all the elements of a list, we can do the following:

int sumList(ListItem ls) {
   if (ls == null)
      return 0;
      return ls.number + sumList(;

Now let's see how to implement a summation procedure using iteration. We can start at the beginning of the list and move down the list with each iteration until we reach the end. As we move down the list, we'll keep track of the sum of all items visited so far.

int sumList(ListItem ls) {
   int sum = 0;
   while (ls != null) {
      sum = sum + ls.number;
      ls =;
   return sum;

Notice that we are assigning to the parameter. Recall that since Java uses call-by-value, this does not affect the calling procedure. However, if we were to implement this iterative procedure as a method on ListItem itself, then we wouldn't have a parameter. In that case, we'd need to declare a local variable, as follows.

pulbic int sumList() {
   int sum = 0;
   ListItem ls = this;
   while (ls != null) {
      sum = sum + ls.number;
      ls =;
   return sum;

Let's consider another example, this time modifying the list. We'll scale a list, multiplying each number in the list by a given value. First, recursively,

void scale(ListItem ls, int s) {
   if (ls != null) {
      ls.number *= s;
      scale(, s);
Now, compare to the iterative version.
void scale(ListItem ls, int s) {
   while (ls != null) {
      ls.number *= s;
      ls =;
Let's consider the same problem, except this time returning a new scaled list, instead of modifying the given one. First, recurisvely:
ListItem scale(ListItem ls, int s) {
   if (ls == null)
      return null;
      return new ListItem(ls.number * s, scale(, s));
Now iteratively:
ListItem scale(ListItem ls, int s) {
   if (ls == null)
      return null;
   else {
      ListItem newList = new ListItem(ls.number * s, null);
      ListItem last = newList;
      while ( != null) {
         ls =; = new ListItem(ls.number * s, null);
         last =;
      return newList;

A List of Numbers ADT

Now that we've seen how to create data structures by defining objects that refer to other objects, let's create an ADT that encapsulates such a structure. For our example, we'll use a ListOfInts ADT, and we'll implement it using the ListItem class we have already defined.

As customary in ADT design, let's first consider the different abstract operations we'd like to perform on a list. We'd like operations for determining if the list is empty, and for putting new items at the beginning and the end of the list. Also, we'd like to have a way to move down the list. For this we'll use a "marker" that will keep track of where we are "currently" in the list. Using the marker, we will be able to get the "current" item, replace the value of the current item, insert into the list just before the current item, and delete the current item. It will also be convenient to have a way of checking if the marker is at the end of the list, and to be able to reset the marker to be at the beginning of the list.

Method Parameters Mutates Returns
constructor creates an empty list object reference
isEmpty true iff the list is empty
prepend int n puts n at the beginning of the list this (for convenience)
append int n puts n at the end of the list this (for convenience)
atEnd true iff marker is at the end of the list
reset moves marker to the beginning of the list
next moves marker to the next item in the list this (for convenience)
getItem returns the "current" item
setItem int n replaces the "current" item by n
insert int n puts n in the list just before current item
delete removes the current item from the list the item just removed
toString a String representation of the list contents

For our internal representation, the ListOfInts object will contain three instance variables, a marker to keep track of the "current" list item, the head of the list, and the rear of the list. All of these will be ListItem references.

To simplify working with the front of the list, we'll keep a "dummy" ListItem at the head of the data structure. When the list is empty, all three instance variables will refer to the dummy. The dummy is created strictly for our convenience. Since it's not really part of the data being represented, we'll keep it hidden inside the internal representation of the ListOfInts object. We'll put a zero in the dummy ListItem, but it really doesn't matter what value is in the dummy, since we never use its value.

The "current" item will always be the one just after the marker. (In other words, the marker will always refer to the ListItem just before the "current" item.) So, when we reset the marker, we'll position it at the dummy, making the "current" item be the first item in the lest. When the marker refers to the rear ListItem, it will be considered "at the end" of the list, since nothing is after that item.

The following diagram shows the representation for the list ( 7 3 ). In this example, marker is referring to the head list item, so the "current" item is 7.

Let's write the code:

import cs101.terminal.*;

public class ListOfInts {
   ListItem marker; // the current item is the one after the marker
   ListItem head;   // always refers to the dummy
   ListItem rear;   // always refers to the last item in the list
   ListOfInts() {
      head = rear = marker = new ListItem(0, null);  // create dummy

   public boolean isEmpty() {
      return ( == null);  // alternatively, (head == rear)

   public ListOfInts prepend(int n) { = new ListItem(n,;
      if (head == rear)  // check if this is also the last item
         rear =;
      return this;

   public ListOfInts append(int n) { = new ListItem(n, null);
      rear =;
      return this;

   public boolean atEnd() {
      return ( == null);

   public void reset() {
      marker = head;

   public ListOfInts next() {
      if (!atEnd())
         marker =;
      return this;

   public int getItem() {  // gets current item
      if (atEnd())
         Terminal.println("Error: Tried to get item past end of list!");

   public void setItem(int n) {  // replaces value of current item
      if (atEnd())
         Terminal.println("Error: Tried to set item past end of list!");
      else = n;

   public void insert(int n) {  // inserts n just before the current item, and
                                // the new item n becomes the current item
      if (atEnd())  // appends the item if marker is at the end
      else = new ListItem(n,;

   public int delete() {  // deletes the current item
      if (atEnd()) {
         Terminal.println("Error: Tried to delete item past end of list!");
         return 0;
      else {
         result =;
         if ( == rear)
           rear = marker; =;
         return result;

   public String toString() {
      if (isEmpty())
         return "( )";
         return "(" + + " )";

class ListItem {
   public int number;
   public ListItem next;

   ListItem(int number, ListItem next) {
      this.number = number; = next;

   public String toString() {
      if ( == null)
         return (" " + number);
         return (" " + number +;

Using the ListOfInts ADT

Let's see what happens when we build up some lists.
ListOfInts myList = new ListOfInts();

Assuming that memory locations are allocated in order starting at address 100, in memory, this data structure may look like:

102 103   105  109
104 0   105  107
106 0  109

The variable myList would contain a reference to memory location 100.

Now, if we execute:;
The new diagram looks like:

And the memory is updated to contain:

100 103  107
108 105  111
Afterwards, myList.toString() would return the String "( 4 8 7 2 )".

Recursive Algorithms using the ListOfInts ADT

Let's do some examples of recursion over linked lists, but instead of using the ListItem objects directly, we'll use the interface provided by the ListOfInts ADT. For our first example, let's do a pairwiseMax:

(We'll assume that ls1 and ls2 are the same length.) For example, if ls1 refers to the list ( 4 9 3 2 ), and ls2 refers to the list ( 5 7 1 6 ), then pairwiseMax(ls1, ls2) would return the list ( 5 9 3 6 ). We'll also assume that each list has been reset, so that its marker is at the head of the list.)

ListOfInts pairwiseMax(ListOfInts ls1, ListOfInts ls2) {
   if (ls1.atEnd())
      return new ListOfInts();
   else {
      int maxValue = Math.max(ls1.getItem(), ls2.getItem());
      return pairwiseMax(,;

Let's try another example:

For example, if list referred to the list ( 2 3 4 ), then scale(list, 2) would return the list ( 4 6 8 ). Again, we'll assume that the list has been reset before scale is first called.

ListOfInts scale(ListOfInts list, int n) {
   if (list.atEnd())
      return new ListOfInts();
   else {
      int scaledValue = n * list.getItem();
      return scale(, n).prepend(scaledValue);
Why would it be a mistake to replace the body of the else in the above procedure by the following line?
      return scale(, n).prepend(n * list.getItem());  // ERROR

Note: We assumed that the lists would be reset before the above procedures were called. To avoid this, one could have the procedures themselves call reset, but we wouldn't want to reset the lists on each recursive call. To solve this, we could call a helper procedure to do the actual recursive computation after we reset the lists. Alternatively, we could perform the computations iteratively, as shown below.

Iterative Algorithms using the ListOfInts ADT

Let's write code for the above examples, this time using iteration instead of recursion. This time, we'll reset the lists as we enter the procedures.
ListOfInts pairwiseMax(ListOfInts ls1, ListOfInts ls2) {
   ListOfInts result = new ListOfInts();
   while (!ls1.atEnd()) {
      result.append(Math.max(ls1.getItem(), ls2.getItem()));;;
   return result;

ListOfInts scale(ListOfInts list, int n) {
   ListOfInts result = new ListOfInts();
   while (!list.atEnd()) {
      result.append(n * list.getItem());;
   return result;

Another Algorithm over Lists: Horner's Method

In the polynomial lab, you'll be representing polynomials using lists of integers. For example, the list ( 2 3 5 ) could be used in a Polynomial object representing 2x2 + 3x + 5.

One method that you'll write for your Polynomial class is an evaluate method that will find the value of the polynomial for a given x value. For example, if f is the above polynomial, then f.evaluate(3) would return 32, since 2 · 32 + 3 · 3 + 5 = 18 + 9 + 5 = 32.

This will require you to implement an algorithm that traverses the list of integers to evaluate the polynomial. We could do this calculation using brute force, but we would keep using Math.pow where we don't really have to. If we factor out x as much as possible, then we can use fewer multiplicative steps:

5x4 + 7x3 + 2x2 + 3x + 1 = 1 + x(3 + x(2 + x(7 + x(5))))
This is known as Horner's method. It lends itself to an easy recursive solution, provided that you reverse the list of coefficients first.

Data Structures in other ADTs

In our study of data structures so far, we've seen an example of a list of numbers, in which each ListItem object contains a number and a reference to the next item in the list. Using this basic idea of objects that refer to other objects, we can build up other kinds of data structures to implement various abstract data types.

Over the next couple of weeks, we'll look at various abstract data types and see how to implement them in terms of various data structures. As we look at these examples, we'll not only become more comfortable with the concept of a data structure, but also explore design issues and efficiency concerns.

Example ADT: Relation

A relation is an ADT that captures relationships (associations) between different objects. For example,
Given a:we might want to know:
part numberquantity in the warehouse
fruitits color
One way to think about a relation is with a graph, consisting of vertices (circles) and edges (lines). There is one vertex for each object, and the edges represent the associations in the relation. For example,

(You did this kind of relation in first grade: "draw a line from the name of the fruit to its color".)

Here, we're going to look at a particular kind of relation called a function -- for each element of the domain, there is exactly one element in the range. (You can think about how to extend this to a relation where, for example, apple could be associated with both red and yellow.)

Design and Implementation Steps:

  1. Decide on an interface -- the set of operations supported.
  2. Choose an internal representation and identify representation invariants.
  3. Implement the methods, and verify that they preserve the invariants and have the expected behavior.
Let's get started.
  1. Decide on an interface.

    Method Parameters Mutates (abstractly) Returns
    constructor (initialization) reference to an empty relation
    map domain object d and range object r maps d to r (void)
    drop domain object d removes d from relation (if present) the range value associated with the dropped object
    lookup domain object d range object associated with d, or null if not present

    If x is a Relation, we expect that:, r);
    lookup(d) => r
    lookup(d) => null
    For example, suppose we have created some Fruit and Color objects.
    Relation x = new Relation();, red);, red);, green);
    x.lookup(apple) => green object
    x.lookup(apple) => null
    Note: two different objects containing the same values are still different objects!

  2. Decide on an internal representation:

  3. But what types are d and r? We could define specific objects types, like Fruit and Color, and make a relation for those types. However, then we'd have to create a new kind of relation if, for example, we wanted a relation between cars and manufacturers, etc.

    It turns out that if we declare a reference as

    Object foo;
    then foo can hold a reference to an object of any type.
public class Relation {
  Association list;

  public Relation() {
    list = new Association(null, null, null);

  Association find(Object target) {
    // return Assocation _before_ target in list
    Association cur = list;
    while (( != null) && ( != target))
      cur =;
    return cur;

  public void map(Object d, Object r) {
    Association oneBefore = find(d);
    if ( == null)
      // didn't find it, so append new item to list end = new Association(d, r, null);
      // did find it, so replace range = r;

  public Object drop(Object d) {
    Association oneBefore = find(d);
    // make sure not at end of list (if it wasn't found, no need to drop)
    if ( != null) {
      result =; =;
      return result;
      return null;

  public Object lookup(Object d) {
    Association oneBefore = find(d);
    if ( == null)
      // didn't find it, return null
      return null;

  public String toString() {
    String result = "(";
    Association cur = list;
    while ( != null) {
       result = result +;
       cur =;
    return result + ")";

class Association {
  Object domain;
  Object range;
  Association next;
  public Association(Object d, Object r, Association next) {
    domain = d;
    range = r; = next;
  public String toString() {
    return ( "(" + domain + "," + range + ")" );



A stack is a common data structure that is easily understood by analogy to a physical stack, like a stack of magazines or a stack of plates in a cafeteria. You can do the following things: So, using our familiar design table:

Method Parameters Mutates Returns
constructor initializes empty stack (object reference)
push Object x puts x on top of the stack
pop removes Object y from the top if there is one Object y (or null if the stack is empty)
peek reference to the top item (or null)
isEmpty true if the stack is empty
toString a string containing the contents of the stack

Expected behavior:

(new Stack()).isEmpty() => true
(new Stack()).push(x).isEmpty() => false
(new Stack()).push(x).peek() => x         (stack contains x)
(new Stack()).push(x).pop() => x          (stack is empty)

Stack s = new Stack().push(x);
s.peek() => x
s.isEmpty() => false
s.pop() => x
s.isEmpty() => true
s.push(x).push(y).pop() => y
s.pop() => x
Example code to implement the Stack class:
public class ListItem {
    public Object item;
    public ListItem next;

    ListItem(Object item, ListItem next) {
        this.item = item; = next;
    public String toString() {
        if ( == null)
           return item.toString();
           return item.toString() + " " + next;

public class Stack {
    ListItem contents;
    Stack() {
        contents = null;
    public void push(Object x) {
        contents = new ListItem(x,contents);
    public Object pop() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return null;
        else {
           Object topItem = contents.item;
           contents =;
           return topItem;
    public Object peek() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return null;
           return contents.item;
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return (contents == null);
    public String toString() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return "empty stack";
           return "stack " + contents;


Another very common data structure, called a queue, can be used to capture an ordering relationship among a collection of objects. For example, consider people in line to buy tickets at a movie theater. As people arrive, they enter at the back of the line, and they are served in order from the front of the line. Thus, a queue is FIFO (first in, first out), while a stack is LIFO (last in, first out).

Let's design the interface for a queue of objects.

Method Parameters Mutates Returns
constructor initializes empty stack (object reference)
enqueue Object x puts x at the back of the queue
dequeue removes the first item from the queue, if there is one old first item or null
peek reference to the front item (or null)
isEmpty true if the queue is empty
toString a string containing the contents of the queue

public class Queue {
    ListItem front;
    ListItem back;
    Queue() {
        front = back = null;
    public void enqueue(Object x) {
        if (isEmpty())
           front = back = new ListItem(x,null);
        else {
   = new ListItem(x,null);
            back =;
    public Object dequeue() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return null;
        else {
           Object first = front.item;
           front =;
           if (front == null)
              back = null;
           return first;
    public Object peek() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return null;
           return front.item;
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return (front == null);
    public String toString() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return "empty queue";
           return "queue (front to back): " + front;

Circular Lists

Sometimes it is useful to have a list whose last item refers back to the first. This idea, known as a circular list, can simplify implementation of a program that continually traverses the items of the list. It can also be used as the internal representation for other ADT's, like stacks and queues.

Let's consider a circular list of numbers:

Since the head and the rear of a circular lists depends on your point of view, we'll only keep track of the current position in the list using a marker. At any time, the item referenced by the marker will be called the "rear" of the list, and the next item after the rear will be called the "head" of the list. Now, what kind of interface might we want for this data structure?

Method Parameters Mutates Returns
constructor initializes an empty circular list (reference)
insert Object x puts x just after rear
delete removes head of list object that was in head
head object in head
move moves marker to the next item
isEmpty true iff list is empty
toString string of contents, front to rear
public class CircularList {
    ListItem marker;
    CircularList() {
        marker = null;
    public void insert(Object x) {
        if (isEmpty()) {
            marker = new ListItem(x,null);
   = marker;
   = new ListItem(x,;
    public Object delete() {
        if (isEmpty())
            return null;
        else {
            Object temp =;
            if ( == marker)
                marker = null;
            return temp;
    public Object head() {
        if (isEmpty())
            return null;
    public void move() {
        if (marker != null)
            marker =;
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return (marker == null);
    public String toString() {
        String result;
        if (isEmpty())
            result = "empty list";
        else {
            ListItem head =;
   = null;  // break the cycle
            result = head.toString();
   = head;  // put the cycle back
        return result;
We can now reimplement Stack and Queue in terms of the circular list ADT:
public class Stack {
    CircularList contents;
    Stack() {
        contents = new CircularList();
    public void push(Object x) {
    public Object pop() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return null;
        else {
           Object topItem = contents.head();
           return topItem;
    public Object peek() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return null;
           return contents.head();
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return (contents.isEmpty());
    public String toString() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return "empty stack";
           return "stack " + contents;

public class Queue {
    CircularList contents;
    Queue() {
        contents = new CircularList();
    public void enqueue(Object x) {
    public Object dequeue() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return null;
        else {
           Object firstItem = contents.head();
           return firstItem;
    public Object peek() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return null;
           return contents.head();
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return (contents.isEmpty());
    public String toString() {
        if (isEmpty())
           return "empty queue";
           return "queue " + contents;

Kenneth J. Goldman
Last modified: Wed Mar 19 23:34:15 CST