Solenoid Valve + Arduino

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How to Control a Solenoid Valve

1. Parts needed

  • Solenoid Valve, we used (BACOENG 1/2" NPT AC110V Brass Normally Closed Electric Solenoid Valve Air Water Oil)
  • Diode
  • 1k Ohm Resistor
  • Transistor
  • Breadboard
  • Arduino UNO
  • 6 Jumper wires
  • Voltage source - varies on how much voltage your valve will need
  • 2 Alligator clips - used to attach to valve and jumper cable that needs to be attached to arduino

2. Assembly

  • Connect one of the pins from GND to Negative side on the breadboard.
  • Attach a pin on the positive side of breadboard next to your GND pin to the solenoid valve .
  • Put the transistor in the middle of the breadboard on the side of where your GND pin is.
  • Transistor has 3 pins Emitter, Base, and Collector. (left to right)
  • Attach 1k Ohm resistor to Emittor pin on a breadboard and connect to any pin on the Arduino.
  • Attach diode and wire connecting to the solenoid valve on the Base pin of the Transistor. One part of the diode is attached to the Base pin and other is on the positive side of the breadboard.
  • Attach a jumper cable on the Collector pin of the Transistor and then attach the other side of the jumper cable to the negative side of the breadboard.
  • On the same side, but opposite direction of where your GND pin and the wire for solenoid valve pin is, there is another (+) (-) area on the breadboard connect voltage source there.
  • Picture

Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 2.30.24 PM.png Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 2.32.55 PM.png

3. Upload preliminary code Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 2.38.30 PM.png

  • Once code is uploaded, you should start hearing a "click-click", this means the valve is opening/closing.