Home Automation
Have you ever left the house and, hours later, fretted over whether you locked your door? It's a familiar feeling--and one that can be avoided. Our project can be used to solve this all-too-common problem. Through our website interface, a user can remotely lock their door and eliminate the worry associated with common forgetfulness. The physical aspects of our design include a servo and Raspberry Pi system which can attach to a door and be used for home security purposes.
Group Members
- Clayton Keating
- Savannah Rush
- What defines success?
- How quickly can the door lock?
- Familiarization with Raspberry Pi
- Building a housing mechanism such that it can be attached to a door
Gantt Chart
- Servo (make sure it has enough torque)
- Raspberry Pi 3
- Lock
- Analog-Digital converter (if necessary)
Total Budget: $