MergeSort Parallel Combiner

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(Optional) Challenge Parallel Combiner

class: Java.png
methods: parallelCombine
package: sort.challenge.merge
source folder: student/src/main/java

You can divide and conquer the combine step in merge sort. The work should remain while the critical path length can be cleanly improved from down to .

Sadly, you cannot simply divide both sides down the middle and merge the lower halves together and the upper halves together (as the data will likely not line up perfectly).

Circle-information.svg Tip:Being able to perform operations like merge sort combine in parallel often comes down to the question "How can I figure out where to put the current item?"

Useful methods:

You can divide one side (for guaranteed performance, choose the longer of the two) and then binary search for the value in the other side.
ArrayUtils.binarySearchForKeyOrInsertionPointOfKey(array, key, comparator)

Parallel Combiner Correctness

class: Junit.png
package: sort.challenge.merge
source folder: testing/src/test/java