ForkLoop Images Assignment
We gain experience using a parallel fork loop. Image processing often presents the opportunity for a lot of parallelism. Here we will operate on a single image, making a parallel task for each row.
Revisit the Image Batch Race Condition Exercise's Background section for information on pixels and images.
class HsvColor
class HsvImage
- int width()
- int height()
- Optional<HsvColor> colorAtPixel(int x, int y)
- setColorAtPixel(int x, int y, HsvColor color)
- HsvColor[][] rows()
- HsvColor[] rowAt(int y)
interface PixelFilter extends UnaryOperator<HsvColor>
Code To Investigate
Image Batch Race Condition Exercise
Image Batch Race Condition Code To Investigate
Our Image Filter will apply a PixelFilter to every pixel in a specified image.
Some example pixel filters have been provided which use named classes, anonymous classes, and lambdas:
class PixelFilters |
public class PixelFilters { private static class HueSettingPixelFilter implements PixelFilter { private final double hue; public HueSettingPixelFilter(double hue) { this.hue = hue; } @Override public HsvColor apply(HsvColor src) { double saturation = src.saturation(); double value = src.value(); return new HsvColor(hue, saturation, value); } } public static PixelFilter hueSettingPixelFilterOf(double hue) { // return new instance of named class HueSettingPixelFilter return new HueSettingPixelFilter(hue); } public static PixelFilter hueAdjustingPixelFilterOf(double deltaHue) { // return new instance of anonymous class return new PixelFilter() { @Override public HsvColor apply(HsvColor src) { double hue = src.hue(); double saturation = src.saturation(); double value = src.value(); return new HsvColor(hue + deltaHue, saturation, value); } }; } public static PixelFilter saturationAdjustingPixelFilterOf(double deltaSaturation) { // return anonymous function (also known as a lambda) with parameter type return (HsvColor src) -> { double hue = src.hue(); double saturation = src.saturation(); double value = src.value(); return new HsvColor(hue, saturation + deltaSaturation, value); }; } public static PixelFilter valueAdjustingPixelFilterOf(double deltaValue) { // return anonymous function (also known as a lambda) without parameter type return src -> { double hue = src.hue(); double saturation = src.saturation(); double value = src.value(); return new HsvColor(hue, saturation, value + deltaValue); }; } } |
Code To Implement
class: | | |
methods: | apply | |
package: | imagefilter.exercise | |
source folder: | student/src/main/java |
method: public HsvImage apply(HsvImage src, PixelFilter pixelFilter)
(parallel implementation required)
Warning: When saving the result of pixelFilter.apply(), always put the result in a new array. Don't overwrite values of the source array. |
To complete this method we must return a new instance of the HsvImage class.
Nicely, HsvImage provides both:
- a constructor which takes an List<HsvColor[]> and,
- another constructor which takes an HsvColor[][].
These two constructors match up well with the two different return types of the many incantations of join_fork_loop:
where R is the return type of the TaskFunction<T, R> passed to the join_fork_loop.
What should the return type from the this TaskFunction be?
class: | | VIZ |
package: | imagefilter.viz | |
source folder: | student/src/main/java |
Testing Your Solution
class: | | |
package: | imagefilter.exercise | |
source folder: | testing/src/test/java |
Pledge, Acknowledgments, Citations
file: | exercise-fork-loop-images-pledge-acknowledgments-citations.txt |
More info about the Honor Pledge