ForkLoop Images Assignment
Revisit the Image Batch Race Condition Exercise's Background section for information on pixels and images.
Code To Investigate
Image Batch Race Condition Exercise
Image Batch Race Condition Code To Investigate
public class PixelFilters { private static class HueSettingPixelFilter implements PixelFilter { private final double hue; public HueSettingPixelFilter(double hue) { this.hue = hue; } @Override public HsvColor apply(HsvColor src) { double saturation = src.saturation(); double value = src.value(); return new HsvColor(hue, saturation, value); } } public static PixelFilter hueSettingPixelFilterOf(double hue) { // return new instance of named class HueSettingPixelFilter return new HueSettingPixelFilter(hue); } public static PixelFilter hueAdjustingPixelFilterOf(double deltaHue) { // return new instance of anonymous class return new PixelFilter() { @Override public HsvColor apply(HsvColor src) { double hue = src.hue(); double saturation = src.saturation(); double value = src.value(); return new HsvColor(hue + deltaHue, saturation, value); } }; } public static PixelFilter saturationAdjustingPixelFilterOf(double deltaSaturation) { // return anonymous function (also known as a lambda) with parameter type return (HsvColor src) -> { double hue = src.hue(); double saturation = src.saturation(); double value = src.value(); return new HsvColor(hue, saturation + deltaSaturation, value); }; } public static PixelFilter valueAdjustingPixelFilterOf(double deltaValue) { // return anonymous function (also known as a lambda) without parameter type return src -> { double hue = src.hue(); double saturation = src.saturation(); double value = src.value(); return new HsvColor(hue, saturation, value + deltaValue); }; } }
Code To Implement
class: | | |
methods: | apply | |
package: | imagefilter.exercise | |
source folder: | student/src/main/java |
method: public HsvImage apply(HsvImage src, PixelFilter pixelFilter)
(parallel implementation required)
class: | | VIZ |
package: | imagefilter.viz | |
source folder: | student/src/main/java |
Testing Your Solution
class: | | |
package: | imagefilter.exercise | |
source folder: | testing/src/test/java |
Pledge, Acknowledgments, Citations
file: | exercise-fork-loop-images-pledge-acknowledgments-citations.txt |
More info about the Honor Pledge