Initial Setup

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Revision as of 15:34, 10 January 2023 by Cosgroved (talk | contribs)
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Ensure everything runs smoothly to avoid issues throughout the semester. Initial setup should be done during the first week of the semester.


Accept Invite

The first minute of this video (from CSE 131) shows off how to accept a bitbucket invitation sent to your email.

Set Up Access

Choose one of the two approaches below:


  • Download JDK19 (or greater)
  • Install JDK19 (or greater)

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Download and Install IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Clone Repo



Sign up for Piazza. Then join 231 on Piazza.


Submit results to this form so we know how your setup process went.


Write pseudocode for this process to parallelize these tasks with async and finish where possible.

To make it interesting... assume JDK16 must be installed before Eclipse can be installed.

S&Q Prep

Needs to be done before each class session to best prepare for the lecture and exercises:

  • Watch video(s) and/or Read reading(s)
  • Fill out S&Q (Synthesis & Question) Form