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X10/Habanero like Phasers have been added to Java since JDK7.  We will gain some experience with using Phasers in a parallel for loop context.
X10/Habanero like Phasers have been added to Java since JDK7.  We will gain some experience with using Phasers in a parallel for-loop context. Phasers allow us to change the structure of our loops and reduce overhead in the algorithm.

Revision as of 22:57, 5 June 2018


X10/Habanero like Phasers have been added to Java since JDK7. We will gain some experience with using Phasers in a parallel for-loop context. Phasers allow us to change the structure of our loops and reduce overhead in the algorithm.


Guide to the Java Phaser

class Phaser

arriveAndDeregister (note: not required for this studio, but good to know about.)
Attention niels epting.svg Warning: Our use of the forall loop with Phasers does not accurately convey their finicky nature. More than other features, Phasers seem to require more care to get performance improvements.

Code to Investigate

Sequential Iterative Averaging

class: SequentialIterativeAverager.java DEMO: Java.png
methods: iterativelyAverage
package: iterativeaveraging.demo
source folder: src//java

method: public void iterativelyAverage(List<Slice<double[]>> slices, double[] a, double[] b, int iterationCount) Sequential.svg (sequential implementation only)

for (int iteration = 0; iteration < iterationCount; iteration++) {
	double[] arrayPrev = ((iteration & 1) == 0) ? a : b;
	double[] arrayNext = ((iteration & 1) == 0) ? b : a;
	for (Slice<double[]> slice : slices) {
		for (int index = slice.getMinInclusive(); index < slice.getMaxExclusive(); index++) {
			arrayNext[index] = (arrayPrev[index - 1] + arrayPrev[index + 1]) * 0.5;



for (int iteration : new IntegerRange(0, iterationCount)) {
	forall(slices, (slice) -> {
		PageRank[] arrayPrev = ((iteration & 1) == 0) ? a : b;
		PageRank[] arrayNext = ((iteration & 1) == 0) ? b : a;
		slice.forEachIndex((index) -> {
                 	arrayNext[index] = calculateNextRank(index, arrayPrev);

parallel phased

Phaser phaser = new Phaser();
forall(slices, (slice) -> {
	for (int iteration : new IntegerRange(0, iterationCount)) {
		PageRank[] arrayPrev = ((iteration & 1) == 0) ? a : b;
		PageRank[] arrayNext = ((iteration & 1) == 0) ? b : a;
		slice.forEachIndex((index) -> {
                 	arrayNext[index] = calculateNextRank(index, arrayPrev);
	// note: arriveAndDeregister not required for this application

Code to Implement

class: ForForallIterativeAverager.java Java.png
methods: iterativelyAverage
package: iterativeaveraging.studio
source folder: student/src/main/java

method: public void iterativelyAverage(List<Slice<double[]>> slices, double[] a, double[] b, int iterationCount) Parallel.svg (parallel implementation required)

class: ForallForPhasedIterativeAverager.java Java.png
methods: iterativelyAverage
package: iterativeaveraging.studio
source folder: student/src/main/java

method: public void iterativelyAverage(List<Slice<double[]>> slices, double[] a, double[] b, int iterationCount) Parallel.svg (parallel implementation required)

Testing Your Solution


class: IterativeAveragingTestSuite.java Junit.png
package: iterativeaveraging.studio
source folder: testing/src/test/java


class: IterativeAveragingTiming.java Noun Project stopwatch icon 386232 cc.svg
package: iterativeaveraging.studio
source folder: src/main/java