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Familiarity on how Mappers and Reducers work
In previous semesters the MapReduce lab has proven to be the most challenging.  We have split things up to allow you to get familiar with the how Mappers and Reducers work first.  We will build a card mapper that matches the spec outlined in the prep video, a simple word counting mapper, an analogous k-mer counting mapper, and an integer sum reducer to wrap things up.
K-mer will prepare for lab 6.
The k-mer counting mapper will prepare us for (and hopefully lessen the burden of) upcoming lab 6.

Revision as of 17:00, 20 February 2018


In previous semesters the MapReduce lab has proven to be the most challenging. We have split things up to allow you to get familiar with the how Mappers and Reducers work first. We will build a card mapper that matches the spec outlined in the prep video, a simple word counting mapper, an analogous k-mer counting mapper, and an integer sum reducer to wrap things up.

The k-mer counting mapper will prepare us for (and hopefully lessen the burden of) upcoming lab 6.


Code To Implement

class: CardMapper.java Java.png
methods: map
package: mapreduce.apps.intsum.cards.studio
source folder: student/src/main/java

method: public void map(Deck deck, BiConsumer<Suit, Integer> keyValuePairConsumer) Sequential.svg (sequential implementation only)

class: WordCountMapper.java Java.png
methods: map
package: mapreduce.apps.intsum.wordcount.studio
source folder: student/src/main/java

method: public void map(TextSection textSection, BiConsumer<String, Integer> keyValuePairConsumer) Sequential.svg (sequential implementation only)

class: KMerMapper.java Java.png
methods: map
package: mapreduce.apps.intsum.kmer.studio
source folder: student/src/main/java

method: public void map(byte[] sequence, BiConsumer<String, Integer> keyValuePairConsumer) Sequential.svg (sequential implementation only)

class: IntegerSumClassicReducer.java Java.png
methods: finisher
package: mapreduce.apps.intsum.studio
source folder: student/src/main/java

method: public Function<List<Integer>, Integer> finisher() Sequential.svg (sequential implementation only)

Testing Your Solution


class: IntSumStudioTestSuite.java Junit.png
package: mapreduce
source folder: testing/src/test/java