HTML, CSS, and UI parts of the of Web Tech module (this includes user-stories, use-cases, and paper prototypes).
It will not cover JavaScript (that will be on the next quiz)
You will have 40 minutes for the quiz, but it’s expected that most people will finish in about 30 minutes. The quiz will be approximately 3 pages (most likely one sheet of paper, front-and-back).
Remember that class will begin with a mini-session before the quiz. You are expected to participate in the mini-session. There will be a 10 minute break between the mini-session and the quiz, which will give you time for a quick review, etc.
Academic Integrity
Remember that communicating the content or answers to the quiz with other students in any way is a serious violation of the academic integrity policy. Do not interact with any other students in the class after completing the quiz. This includes discussing the quiz in the hallway following the quiz! Please refrain from any discussion until after 5:30pm on the day of the quiz.
Each of the modules linked above includes a “Module Goals” section that includes:
Questions you should be able to answer
Things you should be able to do (i.e., skills you should have developed)
Concepts you should be aware of
You should also review all Studios, Assignments, and “Review” units that are posted for each Studio.
Generally quizzes cover a variety of things:
General body of knowledge about the course content (often via short answer, true/false, multiple choice, etc.)
Ability to apply knowledge to create something (often through problems comparable to those seen in Studio/Assignments)
Critical thinking skills about the course content (often through questions that ask you to justify choices about a design)
The only resource you’re allowed to use is a sage page (crib sheet). It must follow these rules:
One half of a single side of letter size paper (that is, no more than 8.5”x5.5” of surface). You can just fold a single piece of paper in half and use a single side of it (one quarter of the total amount of surface area).
It must be handwritten and at the original size of your writting.
It will not be returned. If you want to retain a copy, ensure that you have made a copy prior to the exam.