What is the difference between the id and class attributes?
What is responsive design and why is it used?
be able to:
Create a basic page.
Given a basic page’s HTML, sketch how it would look.
Create and use an external style sheet.
Change the style of all elements with a particular tag (e.g., all paragraphs).
Change the style of all elements with a particular class (e.g., only paragraphs that are of the note class)
Change the style of a single, specific instance of an element (e.g., a single, special paragraph).
be aware of:
The common elements and tags used on nearly every web page (doctype, html, head, body).
Other fundamental HTML tags for common tasks: strong, em, lists, tables, images, dividing up the logical structure of a document with divisions (<div>), etc.
Units used in HTML (px, em, use of percentages, etc.)
What a CSS selector is.
The syntax of a CSS rule.
The syntax of CSS declarations (property/value pairs) and what they do.
Common CSS attributes to control fonts, alignment, width, height, etc.
The impact of inherited CSS properties (i.e., impact of a property on nested elements)
The span and div tags (in-line vs. block elements).
What a HTML validator does.
In addition, by the end of the HTML unit:
You should be able to:
Construct user stories.
Construct usage scenarios.
Construct paper prototypes.
Explain the value of user stories and usage scenarios to the software design process.
Explain the value and uses of paper prototypes.
By the end of you JavaScript unit you should:
Be able to answer the following questions:
What is the DOM?
Why are HTML id attributes significant?
Name a few things the document object is commonly used for?
What is an event handler?
JavaScript is often used for UI on the “Client Side”. What does that mean?
What kinds of things does support of functions as “first-class” allow JavaScript to do with functions?
What is event-driven programming and how does it differ from other programming paradigms?
Be able to:
Use variables in JavaScript.
Use console methods and a browser’s inspector for basic log-based debugging.
Write a function in JavaScript.
Write an if-statement in JavaScript.
Write loops in JavaScript.
Write and use an event handler in JavaScript.
Understand the behavior and use the addEventListener() method.
Use events for time-based operations (setInterval and setTimeout)
Explain and provide an example of “event driven programming”.
Use Arrays in JavaScript.
Create Objects in JavaScript via Object Literals
Create constructor functions for Objects in JavaScript
Understand the JavaScript Object notation and behavior of Objects.
Explain what an example of JavaScript code will do when executed.
And should be aware of:
Common JavaScript data/object types (undefined, Date, Numbers, Strings, etc.)
Basic structure and Syntax of JavaScript.
DOM properties that are commonly changed via JavaScript and how they impact webpages (.innerHTML, .innerText, .style)