- Provide experience with basic communication patterns and techniques for IoT systems.
- Provide exposure to a variety of IoT platforms
Module Goals
By the end of your basic Cordova/UI experience you should be able to answer the following questions:
- What is a Hybrid App?
- What are strengths and weaknesses of Hybrid Apps (compared to Web apps and/or compared to true Native Apps)?
- What is the PhoneGap Desktop App used for?
- What is the PhoneGap Mobile App used for?
- What event is sent when Cordova is completely loaded?
And should be able to:
- Draw a Paper Prototype (previous units).
- Write User Stories (previous units).
- Write Usage Scenarios (previous units).
- Create a basic Cordova App.
And should be aware of:
- Basic structure of Hybrid Apps (and Cordova Apps in particular).