The goals of this phase of the project is to demonstrate that you are making sufficient progress on the project. You are expected to be at least 25% “complete”. Depending on the scope of your project, division of labor, and priorities, this can be demonstrated a number of ways:
Partial implementation of multiple part of the project.
Show the ability to work with hardware being used
Show understanding of any new technologies
Show some degree of design and implementation of UI
Completion of 1-2 parts of the project
Working hardware functions, but incomplete UI or cloud support
Working UI and ability to interact via Particle cloud console (or equivalent on other platforms)
Submission & Checkout
All work to date should be committed and pushed to your GitHub Repository by the due date (class time)
The docs/reports/ should contain a summary:
Progress made
Problems and potential concerns
Priorities for the next week
Checkout and Rubrics
Your progress will be assessed in two ways:
You will meet with your designated TA and review your progress
You must be present to earn credit for this
Credit is subjective and based on the TA’s assessment of your progress and the likelihood that you will complete a high quality project. (A score from 1-4, with 4 indicating that you are on track and there are no concerns regarding completion of all required and proposed components.)