Due Friday, February 8th at 11:59 pm


This lab does not involve writing any actual code. Instead, you will practice working with running-time estimation and asymptotic complexity, as well as writing justifications. You will also have a chance to familiarize yourself with our workflow for composing and turning in lab writeups.

Future labs will be more coding-centric, but you will still need to follow the guidelines you learn here to prepare and submit your lab writeups.

Goals of this lab include:

  • Understand how to evaluate the asymptotic complexity of a code fragment.

  • Understand how different asymptotic complexities are related.

  • Understand why asymptotic complexity matters.

  • Learn how to generate a high-quality electronic writeup.

Your work for this lab

  • Read the class's eHomework guide. Note that your answers MUST be typeset, NOT handwritten, for this and all future assignments.

  • Create a new writeup document as described in the guide and fill in your name, student ID, and the lab number (1). Use one of the provided templates if that helps you get started faster.

  • In your writeup document, write your solutions to the questions asked in the lab instructions. Please follow all instructions given in the eHomework guide regarding formatting.

Submitting your work (read carefully)

You must upload and submit your Lab 1 writeup document via Gradescope. Remember to follow all instructions given in the eHomework guide regarding the upload/submit procedure. Work that is not successfully submitted to Gradescope will receive no credit regardless of correctness.

If you have difficulty accessing our class's Gradescope page, see the additional instructions at the beginning of the week 1 lecture notes.