1.3.29 Simple shear

Product: ABAQUS/Explicit  

Elements tested

CPE4R    CPS4R    C3D8R    M3D4R    S4R   

Features tested

Large deformation kinematics, stability of large-strain formulation.

Problem description

In this problem a state of simple shear is induced in a single element up to a nominal shear strain of 300%. The material model is isotropic linear elasticity. There are no physical materials that exhibit linear elastic response to such large shear strain. The purpose of this example problem is to verify the large deformation and large rotation algorithms in ABAQUS/Explicit by comparison with the analytic solution provided by Dienes (1979).

The material properties used are Young's modulus = 1.0, Poisson's ratio = 0.0, and density = 1.346 × 10–4.

In this problem all the in-plane degrees of freedom are either zero or are prescribed as functions of time. The value used for the density controls the time increment size, and it was chosen to give a time increment size that results in about 1% shear strain per increment.

This problem is analyzed using five different element types, each of which is defined twice. The mesh is shown in Figure 1.3.29–1. Each element in the bottom row is sheared in the x-direction; each element in the top row is sheared in the y-direction. Figure 1.3.29–2 shows the deformed configuration of the elements after a 300% shear strain.

Results and discussion

Figure 1.3.29–3 and Figure 1.3.29–4 show the computed stress-strain curves for the bottom and top rows of elements, respectively. The results are indistinguishable from the analytic solution.

These results demonstrate that the kinematic formulation is uniform across all the element types defined in ABAQUS/Explicit.

Input files


Input data used in this analysis.


C3D4 element.


C3D6 element.


C3D8R element.


CAX3 element.


CPE3 element.


CPE4R element.


CPS3 element.


CPS4R element.


M3D3 element.


M3D4R element.


S3R element.


S4R element.



Figure 1.3.29–1 Mesh for pure shear problem.

Figure 1.3.29–2 Displaced elements in pure shear problem.

Figure 1.3.29–3 Shear strain versus stress for the bottom row of elements.

Figure 1.3.29–4 Shear strain versus stress for the top row of elements.