Product: ABAQUS/Explicit
Elements are subjected to tensile loading in this problem. The problem is analyzed using seven different element types. The mesh is shown in Figure 1.3.281.
The material model is isotropic linear elasticity. The material properties used are Young's modulus = 1.0, Poisson's ratio = 0.0, and density = 1. Taking advantage of the symmetry of the configuration, the bottom of the model in each case is constrained against displacement in the vertical direction, and the left side is constrained against displacement in the horizontal direction.
The magnitude of the concentrated load is chosen such that the total strain is .01. The load magnitude is increased linearly from zero to its final value over the first half of the step; it is then held constant over the second half of the step to verify that any oscillatory dynamic effects are minimal.
Figure 1.3.282 shows the elements in their displaced configuration, with the displacements magnified by a factor of 50. Figure 1.3.283 shows a history plot of vertical displacement versus time for each of the seven cases. Since Poisson's ratio is 0.0, the results for the seven cases are identical.
Input data used in this analysis.
C3D4 elements.
C3D6 elements.
C3D8R elements.
CAX3 elements.
CAX4R elements.
CPE3 elements.
CPE4R elements.
CPS3 elements.
CPS4R elements.
M3D3 elements.
M3D4R elements.
S3R elements.
S4R elements.
Shell elements with Gauss integration, 2 Gauss integration points used for the shell section integration.
Shell elements with Gauss integration, 4 Gauss integration points used for the shell section integration.
Shell elements with Gauss integration, 5 Gauss integration points used for the shell section integration.
Shell elements with Gauss integration, 6 Gauss integration points used for the shell section integration.
Shell elements with Gauss integration, 7 Gauss integration points used for the shell section integration.