40.5.1 An overview of the methods for creating a datum point

When you choose Point from the Create Datum dialog box, the Method list displays the following methods for creating a datum point:

Enter coordinates

Enter the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the datum point, as shown in Figure 40–6. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum point by entering its coordinates, Section 40.6.1.

Figure 40–6 Creating a datum point by entering coordinates.

Offset from point

Enter the location of the datum point in the form of the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of an offset from a selected point, as shown in Figure 40–7. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum point at an offset from a selected point, Section 40.6.2.

Figure 40–7 Creating a datum point by offsetting from a point.

Midway between 2 points

Select two points on the model; ABAQUS/CAE creates the datum point midway between the two selected points, as shown in Figure 40–8. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum point midway between two points, Section 40.6.3.

Figure 40–8 Creating a datum point by selecting two end points.

Offset from 2 edges

Select two edges on the model; and enter the distance from the datum point to each edge, as shown in Figure 40–9. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum point at a specified distance from two edges, Section 40.6.4.

Figure 40–9 Positioning a datum point a specified distance from two edges.

Enter parameter

Select an edge on the model, and enter the location of the datum point in the form of a parameter value that represents a percentage of the edge length. An arrow along the edge indicates the direction of increasing parameter value from the start vertex (corresponding to an edge parameter value of zero) to the end vertex (corresponding to a value of one), as shown in Figure 40–10. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum point by entering an edge parameter, Section 40.6.5.

Figure 40–10 Positioning a datum point a specified distance along an edge.

Project point on face

Select a point and a plane on which to project the point. ABAQUS/CAE creates the datum point where the plane intersects a line that is normal to it and passing through the selected point, as shown in Figure 40–11. The datum point also marks the shortest distance between the selected point and the selected face. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum point by projecting a point on a face, Section 40.6.6.

Figure 40–11 Creating a datum point by projecting a point onto a face.

Project point on line

Select a point on the model and an edge on which to project the point. ABAQUS/CAE creates the datum point where the edge intersects a line that is normal to it and passing through the selected point, as shown in Figure 40–12. The datum point also marks the shortest distance between the selected point and the selected edge. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum point by projecting a point on a line, Section 40.6.7.

Figure 40–12 Creating a datum point by projecting a point onto an edge.

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