18.2.3 The Job Manager

The Job Manager, which is similar to other managers in ABAQUS/CAE, allows you to do the following:

In addition, the Job Manager allows you to do the following:

You can display the Job Manager by selecting JobManager from the main menu bar. Figure 18–1 shows the layout of the Job Manager.

Figure 18–1 The Job Manager.

The four columns of the Job Manager display the following:


The Name column displays the name of the job. Click Rename to rename the selected job.


The Model column displays the name of the model or input file associated with the job.


The Type column displays the job type that you selected when you configured the job using the job editor. The job type can be one of the following:

  • Full Analysis

  • Data Check

  • Continue Analysis

  • Recover

  • Restart

(See Selecting a job type, Section 18.2.5, for more information.) You can use the job editor to change the job type as long as the job is not running.


The Status column displays the current status of the analysis job and is updated continually while your job is running. The status can be one of the following:


The job has not been submitted for analysis.


The input file has been written, and the job is being submitted for execution.


The job has been submitted for analysis and is running.


The analysis is complete. You can click Results to view the contents of the output database and graphically verify your results.


The job has been aborted due to problems such as fatal errors in the input file or lack of disk space.


The job has been killed by the user.

For detailed instructions on using the Job Manager to create, edit, and manipulate jobs, see the following sections:

For information on related topics, click any of the following items: