17.11.2 Which mesh controls can I use with adaptive remeshing?

Table 17–3 shows the mesh controls that must be assigned to a region that will use adaptive remeshing.

Table 17–3 Mesh controls and adaptive remeshing.

DimensionalityElement ShapeAlgorithmTechnique
Two-dimensionalQuad-dominatedAdvancing frontFree
Three-dimensional Tetrahedraln/aFree
In addition, you must assign the above supported mesh controls to any face or cell that is adjacent to a region that is included in a remeshing rule.

When ABAQUS/CAE generates a tetrahedral mesh, it first creates a boundary mesh of triangles on the exterior faces of the solid region and then generates the tetrahedral mesh using the triangles as faces of the exterior tetrahedral elements. When you assign adaptive remeshing to a solid region, ABAQUS/CAE applies adaptive remeshing to the boundary mesh of triangles on the exterior faces. For more information, see Free meshing with triangular and tetrahedral elements, Section 17.9.3.