17.7.9 Do I have to mesh the entire model in one operation?

ABAQUS/CAE allows you to mesh the model in an incremental fashion, where each meshing operation meshes a different region of the model. You can use incremental meshing to fine-tune the mesh in a selected region of your model without having to wait for ABAQUS/CAE to remesh the entire model.

When you mesh a selected region, ABAQUS/CAE tries to preserve the existing mesh in other regions of the model if possible. However, incremental meshing may force the nodes on the boundaries of the existing mesh to move and can reduce the mesh quality along the interfaces between the regions. In some cases ABAQUS/CAE cannot proceed with an incremental meshing operation and must delete all the existing meshes before proceeding:

If incremental meshing cannot proceed, ABAQUS/CAE displays a warning message prior to deleting an existing mesh.

If you want to mesh the part or assembly incrementally, you can follow a strategy that will minimize the number of times ABAQUS/CAE has to delete the entire mesh. The meshing strategy depends on the topology of the regions, the element shapes, the meshing technique, and the mesh seeding.