17.7.8 When will ABAQUS/CAE delete a mesh?

The following attributes of a part, part instance, or region affect how the mesh will be generated:

If you change any of the attributes listed, the existing mesh will no longer be consistent with its attributes. As a result, ABAQUS/CAE deletes the mesh, and you can recreate a new mesh that matches the new attributes. (Element order and type are the only attributes that, when changed, do not require the mesh to be deleted and recreated.)

Whenever you make a change that will affect any of these attributes, ABAQUS/CAE displays a dialog box similar to the one shown in Figure 17–39.

Figure 17–39 The warning dialog box.

You can delete the mesh by clicking the Delete Meshes button, or you can keep your mesh and exit the procedure by pressing the Cancel button.

You can also avoid this warning message for the remainder of the current session by toggling Automatically delete meshes whenever required. The next time you attempt to change the attributes of a part, part instance, or region that already contains a mesh, the mesh will be deleted immediately without any warning being displayed.

Warning:  There is no way to avoid deleting the mesh when you change one of the attributes listed above. Since remeshing can be time consuming for large or complex models, you should use caution when changing these attributes.

If you save your model to a model database before you delete the mesh, you can revert back to that mesh if you are dissatisfied with later meshing attempts.

For detailed, step-by-step instructions on deleting a mesh, see Deleting a mesh, Section 17.15.2.

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