You use the Edit Material dialog box to create an elastic material and to specify its elastic material properties. You can create the following elastic material models:
Elastic; see “Creating a linear elastic material model”
Hyperelastic; see “Creating a hyperelastic material model”
Hyperfoam; see “Creating a hyperfoam material model”
Hypoelastic; see “Creating a hypoelastic materal model”
Porous Elastic; see “Creating a porous elastic material model”
Viscoelastic; see “Creating a viscoelastic material model”
Linear elasticity is the simplest form of elasticity available in ABAQUS. The linear elastic model can define isotropic, orthotropic, or anisotropic material behavior and is valid for small elastic strains. See “Specifying elastic material properties” for details on how to define a linear elastic material model.
Failure theories are provided for use with linear elasticity. They can be used to obtain postprocessed output requests. The following sections describe how to specify these failure models:
A linear elastic material model is valid for small elastic strains (normally less than 5%); can be isotropic, orthotropic, or fully anisotropic; and can have properties that depend on temperature and/or other field variables. For more information, see Linear elastic behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To specify elastic material properties:
From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticity
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material, Section 12.6.1.)
From the Type field, choose the type of data you will supply to specify the elastic material properties.
Choose Isotropic to specify isotropic elastic properties, as described in Defining isotropic elasticity” in “Linear elastic behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Choose Engineering Constants to specify orthotropic elastic properties by giving the engineering constants, as described in Defining orthotropic elasticity by specifying the engineering constants” in “Linear elastic behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Choose Lamina to specify orthotropic elastic properties in plane stress, as described in Defining orthotropic elasticity in plane stress” in “Linear elastic behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Choose Orthotropic to specify orthotropic elastic properties directly, as described in Defining orthotropic elasticity by specifying the terms in the elastic stiffness matrix” in “Linear elastic behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Choose Anisotropic to specify anisotropic elastic properties, as described in Defining fully anisotropic elasticity” in “Linear elastic behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Choose Traction to specify orthotropic elastic properties for warping elements, as described in Defining orthotropic elasticity for warping elements” in “Linear elastic behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, or to define uncoupled elastic properties for cohesive elements, as described in Defining elasticity in terms of tractions and separations for cohesive elements” in “Linear elastic behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Choose Coupled Traction to specify coupled elastic properties for cohesive elements, as described in Defining elasticity in terms of tractions and separations for cohesive elements” in “Linear elastic behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To define behavior data that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on field variables, click the arrows to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables.
Field variable columns appear in the Data table.
If you are defining the elastic behavior of a viscoelastic material, click the arrow to the right of the Moduli time scale (for viscoelasticity) field to specify either long-term or instantaneous elastic response.
Toggle on No compression if you want to modify the elastic material response such that compressive stress cannot be generated. For details, see No compression or no tension, Section 17.2.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Toggle on No tension if you want to modify the elastic material response such that tensile stress cannot be generated. For details, see No compression or no tension, Section 17.2.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Enter the material properties in the Data table.
For Isotropic data, enter the Young's modulus, E, and Poisson's ratio, .
For Engineering Constants data, enter the generalized Young's moduli in the principal directions, ,
; the Poisson's ratios in the principal directions,
; and the shear moduli in the principal directions,
For Lamina data, enter the Young's moduli, ,
; the Poisson's ratio,
; and the shear moduli,
. The
shear moduli are needed to define transverse shear behavior in shells.
For Orthotropic data, enter the nine elastic stiffness parameters: ,
, etc. (units of FL2).
For Anisotropic data, enter the twenty-one elastic stiffness parameters: ,
, etc. (units of FL2).
For Traction data, your entries depend on the element type that you are modeling.
For solid cross-section Timoshenko beam elements modeled with warping elements, enter the Young's modulus, , and the shear moduli in the material directions,
For cohesive elements with uncoupled traction, enter the elastic modulus in the normal direction and the two local shear directions, ,
, and
For Coupled Traction data, enter the six elastic moduli: ,
, and
To define the plane stress orthotropic failure measures for the material, if desired, click Suboptions. For details, see:
Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, Section 12.6.2, for more information).
Use the Suboption Editor to define the stress limits for stress-based failure measures for an elastic material model. For more information, see Plane stress orthotropic failure measures, Section 17.2.3 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To define stress-based failure measures for an elastic model:
Create a linear elastic material model as described in “Specifying elastic material properties.”
From the Suboptions menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Fail Stress.
The Suboption Editor appears.
To define behavior data that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on field variables, click the arrows to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables.
Field variable columns appear in the Data table.
In the Data table, enter the stress limits:
Ten Stress Fiber Dir
Tensile stress limit in the fiber direction, .
Com Stress Fiber Dir
Compressive stress limit in the fiber direction, .
Ten Stress Transv Dir
Tensile stress limit in the transverse direction, .
Com Stress Transv Dir
Compressive stress limit in the transverse direction, .
Shear Strength
Shear strength in the X–Y plane, S.
Cross-prod Term Coeff
Cross-product term coefficient, (
). This value is used only for the Tsai-Wu theory and is ignored if
is given. The default is zero.
Stress Limit
Biaxial stress limit, . This value is used only for the Tsai-Wu theory. If this entry is nonzero,
is ignored.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
Use the Suboption Editor to define the strain limits for strain-based failure measures for an elastic material model. For more information, see Plane stress orthotropic failure measures, Section 17.2.3 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To define strain-based failure measures:
Create a linear elastic material model as described in “Specifying elastic material properties.”
From the Suboptions menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Fail Strain.
To define behavior data that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on field variables, click the arrows to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables.
Field variable columns appear in the Data table.
In the Data table, enter the strain limits:
Ten Strain Fiber Dir
Tensile strain limit in the fiber direction, .
Com Strain Fiber Dir
Compressive strain limit in the fiber direction, .
Ten Strain Transv Dir
Tensile strain limit in the transverse direction, .
Com Strain Transv Dir
Compressive strain limit in the transverse direction, .
Shear Strain
Shear strain limit in the X–Y plane, .
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
The hyperelastic model describes the behavior of nearly incompressible materials that exhibit instantaneous elastic response up to large strains. For more information, seeHyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Hyperelastic materials are described in terms of a “strain energy potential,” which defines the strain energy stored in the material per unit of reference volume (volume in the initial configuration) as a function of the strain at that point in the material. Several forms of strain energy potentials are available in ABAQUS to model approximately incompressible isotropic elastomers. For more information on hyperelastic materials, see Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
When you define a hyperelastic material, you have the option of either specifying material parameters directly or allowing ABAQUS to calculate them from test data that you provide. For detailed instructions, see the following sections:
You can provide the parameters of the hyperelastic strain energy potentials directly as functions of temperature.
To specify a hyperelastic material model by specifying the material constants directly:
From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticity
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material, Section 12.6.1.)
Click the arrow to the right of the Strain energy potential field, and select the strain energy potential of your choice.
Arruda-Boyce: The Arruda-Boyce model is also known as the eight-chain model. For more information, see Arruda-Boyce form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Marlow: For more information, see Marlow form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Mooney-Rivlin: The Mooney-Rivlin model is equivalent to using the polynomial model with N=1. For more information, see Mooney-Rivlin form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Neo Hooke: The Neo Hookean model is equivalent to using the reduced polynomial model with N=1. For more information, see Neo-Hookean form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Ogden: For more information, see Ogden form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Polynomial: For more information, see Polynomial form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Reduced Polynomial: The reduced polynomial model is equivalent to using the polynomial model with for
. For more information, see Reduced polynomial form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
User-defined: You can define the derivatives of the strain energy potential with respect to the strain invariants in user subroutine UHYPER. This method is valid only for ABAQUS/Standard analyses. For more information, see User subroutine specification in ABAQUS/Standard” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Van der Waals: The Van der Waals model is also known as the Kilian model. For more information, see Van der Waals form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Yeoh: The Yeoh model is equivalent to using the reduced polynomial model with N=3. For more information, see Yeoh form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Unknown: If you define a hyperelastic material using experimental data, you also have the option of temporarily leaving the particular strain energy potential unspecified. You can use the Evaluate option to identify the optimal strain energy potential for the material data and then display the material editor again to complete the material definition; see Evaluating hyperelastic and viscoelastic material behavior, Section 12.4.6, for more information.
Select Coefficients as the Input source. This Input Source option is invalid for the Marlow model or for an unknown strain energy potential.
If you are defining the hyperelastic behavior of a viscoelastic material, click the arrow to the right of the Moduli time scale (for viscoelasticity) field to specify either long-term or instantaneous elastic response.
If you selected User-defined as the strain energy potential, perform the following steps:
If you selected Ogden, Polynomial, or Reduced Polynomial as the strain energy potential, click the arrows to the left of the Strain energy potential order field to select a value.
To define behavior data that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
Enter the material properties in the Data table corresponding to the chosen strain energy potential.
Enter ,
, and D.
Enter ,
, and
Neo Hooke
Enter and
Enter ,
, and
, where i goes from 1 to N and N is the value specified for the Strain energy potential order.
Enter , where
goes from 1 to N, and
, where i goes from 1 to N, and N is the value specified for the Strain energy potential order.
Reduced Polynomial
Enter and
, where i goes from 1 to N and N is the value specified for the Strain energy potential order.
Van der Waals
Enter ,
, a,
, and D.
Enter ,
, and
Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, Section 12.6.2, for more information).
ABAQUS can calculate material parameters from test data that you enter in the Test Data Editor.
To specify a hyperelastic material model by providing test data:
From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticity
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating and editing materials, Section 12.6. .)
Click the arrow to the right of the Strain energy potential field, and select the strain energy potential of your choice.
Arruda-Boyce: The Arruda-Boyce model is also known as the eight-chain model. For more information, see Arruda-Boyce form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Marlow: For more information, see Marlow form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Mooney-Rivlin: The Mooney-Rivlin model is equivalent to using the polynomial model with N=1. For more information, see Mooney-Rivlin form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Neo Hooke: The Neo Hookean model is equivalent to using the reduced polynomial model with N=1. For more information, see Neo-Hookean form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Ogden: For more information, see Ogden form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Polynomial: For more information, see Polynomial form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Reduced Polynomial: The reduced polynomial model is equivalent to using the polynomial model with for
. For more information, see Reduced polynomial form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
User-defined: You can define the derivatives of the strain energy potential with respect to the strain invariants in user subroutine UHYPER. This method is valid only for ABAQUS/Standard analyses. For more information, see User subroutine specification in ABAQUS/Standard” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Van der Waals: The Van der Waals model is also known as the Kilian model. For more information, see Van der Waals form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Yeoh: The Yeoh model is equivalent to using the reduced polynomial model with N=3. For more information, see Yeoh form” in “Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
Unknown: If you define a hyperelastic material using experimental data, you also have the option of temporarily leaving the particular strain energy potential unspecified. You can use the Evaluate option to identify the optimal strain energy potential for the material data and then display the material editor again to complete the material definition; see Evaluating hyperelastic and viscoelastic material behavior, Section 12.4.6, for more information.
Select Test data as the Input source to indicate that the material constants are to be computed from data taken from simple tests on a material specimen.
If you are defining the hyperelastic behavior of a viscoelastic material, click the arrow to the right of the Moduli time scale (for viscoelasticity) field to specify either long-term or instantaneous elastic response.
If you selected Marlow as the strain energy potential, select the Data to define deviatoric response and the Data to define volumetric response options of your choice.
The deviatoric response is defined by the Uniaxial, Biaxial, or Planar test data specified as described in Step 10.
The volumetric response is defined by one of the following methods:
Ignore test data: ABAQUS/Standard assumes fully incompressible behavior, while ABAQUS/Explicit assumes compressibility corresponding to a Poisson's ratio of 0.475.
Volumetric test data: The volumetric test data are specified directly, as described in Step 10.
Poisson's ratio: Specify a value for the Poisson's ratio of the hyperelastic material.
Lateral nominal strain: Lateral nominal strains are specified as part of the uniaxial, biaxial, or planar test data, as described in Step 10.
If you selected Ogden, Polynomial, or Reduced Polynomial as the strain energy potential, click the arrows to the left of the Strain energy potential order field to select a value.
If you selected Van der Waals as the strain energy potential, choose the method for specifying Beta:
Select Fitted value to determine the value of from a nonlinear least-squares fit of the test data.
Select Specify, and enter a value to specify directly. Allowable values are
. It is recommended to set
=0 if only one type of test data is available.
You can specify the experimental stress-strain data for as many as four simple tests: uniaxial, equibiaxial, planar, and, if the material is compressible, a volumetric compression test. Use the Test Data menu to specify the experimental data. For details, see the following sections:
Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, Section 12.6.2, for more information).
Use the Test Data Editor to specify uniaxial test data from which ABAQUS can calibrate hyperelastic material coefficients. For more information, see Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual
To specify uniaxial test data:
Create a hyperelastic material model as described in “Providing test data to define a hyperelastic material.”
From the Test Data menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Uniaxial Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
Toggle on Apply smoothing if you want ABAQUS to apply a smoothing filter to the stress-strain data. This option is particularly recommended if you are using the Marlow model.
If you have requested data smoothing, click the arrows to the right of the Apply smoothing field to specify the number of data points to the right and left of each data point within which ABAQUS will fit a least-squares polynomial.
If you are defining a Marlow model, you can select the following options:
To include lateral nominal strain data, toggle on Include lateral nominal strain.
A column labeled Lateral Nominal Strain appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on field variables, click the arrows to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables.
Field variable columns appear in the Data table.
In the Data table, enter the test data:
Nominal Stress
Nominal stress, .
Nominal Strain
Nominal strain, .
Lateral Nominal Strain
Nominal lateral strain, .
Temperature, .
Field n
Predefined field variables.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
Use the Test Data Editor to specify biaxial test data from which ABAQUS can calibrate hyperelastic material coefficients. For more information, see Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To specify biaxial test data:
Create a hyperelastic material model as described in “Providing test data to define a hyperelastic material.”
From the Test Data menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Biaxial Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
Toggle on Apply smoothing if you want ABAQUS to apply a smoothing filter to the stress-strain data. This option is particularly recommended if you are using a Marlow model.
If you have requested data smoothing, click the arrows to the right of the Apply smoothing field to specify the number of data points to the right and left of each data point within which ABAQUS will fit a least-squares polynomial.
If you are defining a Marlow model, you can select the following options:
To include lateral nominal strain data, toggle on Include lateral nominal strain.
A column labeled Lateral Nominal Strain appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on field variables, click the arrow to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables.
Field variable columns appear in the Data table.
In the Data table, enter the test data:
Nominal Stress
Nominal stress, .
Nominal Strain
Nominal strain, .
Lateral Nominal Strain
Nominal lateral strain, .
Temperature, .
Field n
Predefined field variables.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
Use the Test Data Editor to specify planar test data from which ABAQUS can calibrate hyperelastic material coefficients. For more information, see Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual
To specify planar test data:
Create a hyperelastic material model as described in “Providing test data to define a hyperelastic material.”
From the Test Data menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Planar Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
Toggle on Apply smoothing if you want ABAQUS to apply a smoothing filter to the stress-strain data. This option is particularly recommended if you are using a Marlow model.
If you have requested data smoothing, click the arrows to the right of the Apply smoothing field to specify the number of data points to the right and left of each data point within which ABAQUS will fit a least-squares polynomial.
If you are defining a Marlow model, you can select the following options:
To include lateral nominal strain data, toggle on Include lateral nominal strain.
A column labeled Lateral Nominal Strain appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on field variables, click the arrow to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables.
Field variable columns appear in the Data table.
In the Data table, enter the test data:
Nominal Stress
Nominal stress, .
Nominal Strain
Nominal strain, .
Lateral Nominal Strain
Nominal lateral strain, .
Temperature, .
Field n
Predefined field variables.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
Use the Test Data Editor to specify volumetric test data from which ABAQUS can calibrate hyperelastic material coefficients. For more information, see Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual
To specify volumetric test data:
Create a hyperelastic material model as described in “Providing test data to define a hyperelastic material.”
From the Test Data menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Volumetric Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
Toggle on Apply smoothing if you want ABAQUS to apply a smoothing filter to the stress-strain data. This option is particularly recommended if you are using a Marlow model.
If you have requested data smoothing, click the arrows to the right of the Apply smoothing field to specify the number of data points to the right and left of each data point within which ABAQUS will fit a least-squares polynomial.
If you are defining a Marlow model, you can select the following options:
To define behavior data that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on field variables, click the arrow to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables.
Field variable columns appear in the Data table.
In the Data table, enter the test data:
Total pressure stress, p.
Volume Ratio
Volume ratio (current volume/original volume), J.
Temperature, .
Field n
Predefined field variables.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
Use the Suboption Editor to define the strain-rate-dependent response of a hyperelastic material that exhibits pronounced hysteresis under cyclic loading. For more information, see Hysteresis in elastomers, Section 17.8.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To define hysteretic material behavior:
Create a hyperelastic material model as described in “Entering material parameters to define a hyperelastic material” or “Providing test data to define a hyperelastic material.”
From the Suboptions menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Hysteresis.
The Suboption Editor appears.
In the Data table of the Suboption Editor, enter the creep behavior data:
Stress Scaling Factor
Stress scaling factor, S.
Creep Parameter
Creep parameter, A.
Eff Stress Exponent
Effective stress exponent, m.
Creep Strain Exponent
Creep strain exponent, .
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
You can create a hyperfoam material model to describe a cellular solid whose porosity permits very large volumetric changes. See Hyperelastic behavior in elastomeric foams, Section 17.5.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, for more information on hyperfoam materials.
When you define a hyperfoam material, you have the option of either specifying material parameters directly or allowing ABAQUS to calculate them from test data that you provide. For detailed instructions, see the following sections:
You can provide the parameters of the hyperelastic foam strain energy potentials directly as functions of temperature.
To specify hyperelastic foam material parameters directly:
From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticity
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material, Section 12.6.1.)
Click the arrows to the right of the Strain energy potential order field to increase or decrease the order of the strain energy potential, N.
To specify material parameters that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
If you are defining the hyperfoam behavior of a viscoelastic material, click the arrow to the right of the Moduli time scale (for viscoelasticity) field to specify either long-term or instantaneous elastic response.
In the Data table, enter the material parameters: :
mui, alphai, and nui
Material parameters ,
, and
Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, Section 12.6.2, for more information).
ABAQUS can calculate material parameters from test data that you enter in the Test Data Editor.
To define a hyperelastic foam material by providing test data:
From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticity
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material, Section 12.6.1.)
Toggle on Use test data (Suboptions must be specified).
Click the arrows to the right of the Strain energy potential order field to increase or decrease the order of the strain energy potential, N.
Indicate how you want to define Poisson effects:
Toggle on Use constant Poisson's ratio if you want to enter a Poisson's ratio that will remain constant throughout the calculations.
Toggle off Use constant Poisson's ratio if you want Poisson effects defined from volumentric test data and/or lateral strains in other test data.
If you are defining the hyperfoam behavior of a viscoelastic material, click the arrow to the right of the Moduli time scale (for viscoelasticity) field to specify either long-term or instantaneous elastic response.
Use the Test Data menu to specify the experimental data from which ABAQUS can calculate material parameters. For detailed instructions, see the following sections:
Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, Section 12.6.2, for more information).
Use the Test Data Editor to specify uniaxial test data from which ABAQUS can calibrate hyperelastic foam material coefficients. For more information, see Hyperelastic behavior in elastomeric foams, Section 17.5.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To specify uniaxial test data:
Create a hyperelastic foam material model as described in “Providing test data to define a hyperelastic foam material model .”
From the Suboptions menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Uniaxial Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
In the Data table, enter the uniaxial test data:
Nominal Stress
Nominal stress, .
Nominal Strain
Nominal strain, .
Lateral Nominal Strain
Nominal lateral strain, . This parameter is unnecessary if you have already entered a constant Poisson's ratio in the Edit Material dialog box.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
Use the Test Data Editor to specify biaxial test data from which ABAQUS can calibrate hyperfoam material coefficients. For more information, see Hyperelastic behavior in elastomeric foams, Section 17.5.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To specify biaxial test data:
Create a hyperelastic foam material model as described in “Providing test data to define a hyperelastic foam material model .”
From the Suboptions menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Biaxial Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
In the Data table, enter the test data:
Nominal Stress
Nominal stress, .
Nominal Strain
Nominal strain, .
Lateral Nominal Strain
Nominal transverse strain, . This parameter is unnecessary if you have already entered a constant Poisson's ratio in the Edit Material dialog box.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
Use the Test Data Editor to specify simple shear test data from which ABAQUS can calibrate hyperfoam material coefficients. For more information, see Hyperelastic behavior in elastomeric foams, Section 17.5.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To specify simple shear test data:
Create a hyperelastic foam material model as described in “Providing test data to define a hyperelastic foam material model .”
From the Suboptions menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Simple Shear Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
In the Data table, enter the test data:
Nominal Stress
Nominal shear stress, .
Nominal Strain
Nominal shear strain, .
Nominal transverse stress
Nominal transverse stress, (normal to edge with shear stress). This parameter is unnecessary if you have already entered a constant Poisson's ratio in the Edit Material dialog box.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
Use the Test Data Editor to specify planar test data from which ABAQUS can calibrate hyperfoam material coefficients. Planar test data alone is inadequate; you must also include uniaxial and/or biaxial test data in the material definition. See the following sections for more information:
To specify planar test data:
Create a hyperelastic foam material model as described in “Providing test data to define a hyperelastic foam material model .”
From the Suboptions menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Planar Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
In the Data table, enter the test data:
Nominal Stress
Nominal stress, .
Nominal Strain
Nominal strain in the direction of loading, .
Nominal Lateral Strain
Nominal transverse strain, . This parameter is unnecessary if you have already entered a constant Poisson's ratio in the Edit Material dialog box.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
Use the Test Data Editor to specify volumetric test data from which ABAQUS can calibrate hyperfoam material coefficients. For more information, see Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To specify volumetric test data:
Create a hyperelastic foam material model as described in “Providing test data to define a hyperelastic foam material model .”
From the Test Data menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Volumetric Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
In the Data table, enter the test data:
Pressure, p.
Volume Ratio
Volume ratio (current volume/original volume), J.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
You can create a hypoelastic material definition to describe a nonlinear, small-strain elastic material. You have the option of either entering hypoelastic material parameters directly in the material editor or defining material parameters in user subroutine UHYPEL. User subroutine UHYPEL allows you to specify temperature-dependent data.
For more information, see the following sections:
To create a hypoelastic material:
From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticity
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material, Section 12.6.1.)
Select one of the following options for specifying material parameters:
Toggle on Use user subroutine UHYPEL.
Enter material parameters in the Data area:
Young's Modulus
Instantaneous Young's modulus, E.
Poisson's Ratio
Instantaneous Poisson's ratio, .
First strain invariant, .
Second strain invariant, .
Third strain invariant, .
Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, Section 12.6.2, for more information).
A porous elastic material model defines the elastic parameters for a porous material. For more information, see Elastic behavior of porous materials, Section 17.3.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To define a porous elastic material:
From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticity
Porous Elastic.
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material, Section 12.6.1.)
Click the arrow to the right of the Shear field and select an option for defining deviatoric elastic behavior in the porous material:
Select G to specify a constant shear modulus. In this case the shear behavior is unaffected by compaction of the material.
A Shear Modulus column appears in the Data table.
Select Poisson to allow ABAQUS to calculate the instantaneous shear modulus from the bulk modulus and Poisson's ratio. In this case, the elastic shear stiffness increases as the material is compacted.
A Poisson's ratio column appear in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
To define behavior data that depend on field variables, click the arrows to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables.
Field variable columns appear in the Data table.
In the Data table, enter the material parameters:
Log Bulk Modulus
Logarithmic bulk modulus, . (Dimensionless.)
Shear modulus, G. Enter this value if you selected G from the list of Shear options.
Poisson's ratio
Poisson's ratio, . Enter this value if you selected Poisson from the list of Shear options.
Tensile Limit
Elastic tensile limit, . (This value cannot be negative.)
Temperature, .
Field n
Predefined field variables.
Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, Section 12.6.2, for more information).
You can define viscoelastic behavior in a material as a function of frequency (for steady-state, small-vibration analyses) or as a function of reduced time (for time-dependent analyses). For more information, see the following sections:
For detailed instructions on defining viscoelasticity in the Edit Material dialog box, see the following sections:
For more information on viscoelasticity, see Time domain viscoelasticity, Section 17.7.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, and “Defining frequency domain viscoelasticity.This type of material model describes the isotropic rate-dependent behavior of materials for which the dissipative losses caused by internal damping effects must be modeled in the time domain.
ABAQUS assumes that the time domain viscoelasticity is defined by a Prony series expansion. You can specify the Prony series parameters directly for each term in the Prony series. Alternatively, ABAQUS can calculate the terms in the Prony series using time-dependent creep test data, time-dependent relaxation test data, or frequency-dependent cyclic test data that you provide.
For more information on time domain viscoelasticity, see Time domain viscoelasticity, Section 17.7.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To define time domain viscoelasticity:
From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticity
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material, Section 12.6.1.)
Click the arrow to the right of the Domain field, and select Time.
Click the arrow to the right of the Time field, and select the option of your choice for determining viscoelastic material parameters:
Select Prony if you want to enter the Prony series parameters for each term directly.
Select Creep test data if you want ABAQUS to calculate the parameters in the Prony series from creep test data that you provide. If you select this option, you must enter shear test data and/or volumetric test data in the Test Data Editor.
Select Relaxation test data if you want ABAQUS to calculate the Prony series parameters from relaxation test data. If you select this option, you must enter shear test data and/or volumetric test data in the Test Data Editor.
Select Frequency data if you want ABAQUS to calculate the Prony series parameters from frequency-dependent cyclic test data.
If you selected any of the test data options from the Time option list, you can specify two additional parameters related to the calibration of Prony series parameters:
Click the arrows to the right of the Maximum number of terms in the Prony series field to specify the maximum number of terms (N) in the Prony series. ABAQUS will perform the least-squares fit from to
NMAX until convergence is achieved for the lowest N with respect to the error tolerance.
In the Allowable average root-mean-square error field, enter the error tolerance for the data points in the least-squares fit.
If you selected Prony from the list of Time options, enter the Prony parameters in the Data table.
g_i Prony
Shear relaxation modulus ratio, .
k_i Prony
Bulk relaxation modulus ratio, .
tau_i Prony
Relaxation time, .
If you selected Frequency data from the list of Time options, enter the frequency-dependent test data in the Data table.
Omega g* real
Real part of .
Omega g* imag
Imaginary part of .
Omega k* real
Real part of .
Omega k* imag
Imaginary part of .
Frequency, f, in cycles per time.
If applicable, click Test Data to specify test data from which to define viscoelastic behavior. See the following sections for details:
To specify thermo-rheologically simple (TRS) temperature effects, use the Suboptions menu. For details, see “Specifying thermo-rheologically simple (TRS) temperature dependence for time domain viscoelasticity.
Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, Section 12.6.2, for more information).
You can define the shift function either by entering parameters for the Williams-Landell-Ferry approximation or by using user subroutine UTRS. For more information on temperature effects in time domain viscoelasticity, see Time domain viscoelasticity, Section 17.7.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To define the shift function:
Create a time domain viscoelastic material as described in “Defining time domain viscoelasticity.”
From the Suboptions menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Trs.
The Suboption Editor appears.
Click the arrow to the right of the Shift function field, and select the option of your choice.
Select WLF to define the shift function using the Williams-Landell-Ferry approximation.
Select User Subroutine UTRS to define the shift function using user subroutine UTRS.
If you selected WLF from the list of Shift function options, enter the required data in the Data table:
Theta 0
Reference temperature, .
Calibration constant, .
Calibration constant, .
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
This type of material model describes frequency-dependent material behavior in small, steady-state harmonic oscillations. In these cases the dissipative losses caused by internal damping effects must be modeled in the frequency domain.
The dissipative part of the material behavior is defined by giving the real and imaginary parts of and
(for compressible materials) as functions of frequency. The moduli can be defined as functions of the frequency in one of three ways: by a power law, by tabular input, or by a Prony series expression for the shear and bulk relaxation moduli.
For more information on frequency domain viscoelasticity, see Frequency domain viscoelasticity, Section 17.7.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To define frequency domain viscoelasticity:
From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticity
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material, Section 12.6.1.)
Click the arrow to the right of the Domain field, and select Frequency.
Click the arrow to the right of the Frequency field, and select the option of your choice for determining viscoelastic material parameters:
Select Formula to define the frequency dependence by the power law formulae.
Select Tabular to define the frequency response in tabular form. You must give the real and imaginary parts of and
is the circular frequency—as functions of frequency in cycles per time.
Select Prony if you want ABAQUS to calculate the frequency dependence from a time domain Prony series description of the dimensionless shear and bulk relaxation moduli.
Select Creep test data if you want ABAQUS to calculate the parameters in the Prony series from creep test data that you provide. If you select this option, you must enter shear test data and/or volumetric test data in the Test Data Editor.
Select Relaxation test data if you want ABAQUS to calculate the Prony series parameters from relaxation test data. If you select this option, you must enter shear test data and/or volumetric test data in the Test Data Editor.
If you selected Creep test data or Relaxation test data from the Frequency option list, you can specify two additional parameters related to the calibration of Prony series parameters:
Click the arrows to the right of the Maximum number of terms in the Prony series field to specify the maximum number of terms (N) in the Prony series. ABAQUS will perform the least-squares fit from to
NMAX until convergence is achieved for the lowest N with respect to the error tolerance.
In the Allowable average root-mean-square error field, enter the error tolerance of the data points in the least-squares fit.
If you selected Tabular from the Frequency option list, you can specify two additional options:
This parameter specifies whether you are defining continuum material properties or effective thickness-direction gasket properties.
Select Isotropic if you are defining continuum material properties. This choice is appropriate when the viscoelasic material model is used for any continuum, structural, or special-purpose elements whose material response is modeled using continuum material properties.
Select Traction if you are defining effective thickness-direction gasket properties. This option is supported only for gasket elements whose behavior is modeled directly using a gasket behavior model.
This parameter specifies the nature of preload used for defining frequency domain viscoelastic material properties or effective thickness-direction gasket properties.
Select Uniaxial to specify that the material properties correspond to a uniaxial test.
Select Volumetric to specify that the material properties correspond to a volumetric test. This setting cannot be used to define effective thickness-direction gasket properties.
Select Uniaxial and Volumetric to specify that the material properties correspond to both types of tests. This setting cannot be used to define effective thickness-direction gasket properties.
Select None if you choose not to specify a preload parameter.
If you selected Formula from the list of Frequency options, enter the following data in the Data table:
Real part of .
Imaginary part of .
Value of a.
Real part of .
Imaginary part of . If the material is incompressible, this value is ignored.
Value of b. If the material is incompressible, this value is ignored.
If you selected Tabular from the list of Frequency options, enter the data relevant to your Type and Preload selections (not all of the following parameters will apply):
Omega g* real
Real part of .
Omega g* imag
Imaginary part of .
Omega k* real
Real part of .
If the material is incompressible, this value is ignored.
Omega k* imag
Imaginary part of .
If the material is incompressible, this value is ignored.
Frequency, f, in cycles per time.
Loss Modulus
Uniaxial or bulk loss modulus.
Storage Modulus
Uniaxial or bulk storage modulus.
Uniaxial Strain
Uniaxial nominal strain (defines the level of uniaxial preload).
Volume Ratio
Volume ratio, J (current volume/original volume; defines the level of volumetric preload).
Normalized Loss Modulus
Real part of .
for thickness-direction gasket behavior with no preload.
Normalized Shear Modulus
Imaginary part of .
for thickness-direction gasket behavior with no preload.
If you selected Prony from the list of Frequency options, enter the following data in the Data table:
g_i Prony
, the modulus ratio in the first term in the Prony series expansion of the shear relaxation modulus.
k_i Prony
, the modulus ratio in the first term in the Prony series expansion of the bulk relaxation modulus.
tau_i Prony
, the relaxation time for the first term in the Prony series expansion.
If applicable, use the Test Data menu to specify test data from which to define viscoelastic behavior. See the following sections for details:
Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, Section 12.6.2, for more information).
You can use the Test Data Editor to specify the normalized shear creep compliance or relaxation modulus as a function of time. For information on using shear test data to define viscoelastic material behavior, see Time domain viscoelasticity, Section 17.7.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, or Frequency domain viscoelasticity, Section 17.7.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To specify shear test data:
Create a viscoelastic material model as described in “Defining time domain viscoelasticity, or “Defining frequency domain viscoelasticity.
From the Test Data menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Shear Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
In the Long-term normalized shear compliance or modulus field, enter either the long-term, normalized shear compliance, , for creep test data or the long-term, normalized shear modulus,
, for relaxation test data.
In the Data table, enter the following data:
js or gR
The normalized shear compliance, , (
) for creep test data or the normalized shear relaxation modulus,
, (
) for relaxation test data.
Time, t.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
You can use the Test Data Editor to specify the normalized bulk creep compliance or relaxation modulus as a function of time. For information on using volumetric test data to define viscoelastic material behavior, see Time domain viscoelasticity, Section 17.7.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, or Frequency domain viscoelasticity, Section 17.7.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To specify volumetric test data:
Create a viscoelastic material model as described in “Defining time domain viscoelasticity, or “Defining frequency domain viscoelasticity.
From the Test Data menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Volumetric Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
In the Long-term normalized volumetric compliance or modulus field, enter either the long-term, normalized volumetric compliance, , for creep test data or the long-term, normalized volumetric modulus,
, for relaxation test data.
In the Data table, enter the following data:
jK or kR
The normalized volumetric compliance, , for creep test data or the normalized volumetric modulus,
, for relaxation test data.
Time, t.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.
You can use the Test Data Editor to specify simultaneously the normalized shear and bulk creep compliances or relaxation moduli as a function of time. For information on using combined test data to define viscoelastic material behavior, see Time domain viscoelasticity, Section 17.7.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, or Frequency domain viscoelasticity, Section 17.7.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
To specify combined test data:
Create a viscoelastic material model as described in “Defining time domain viscoelasticity, or “Defining frequency domain viscoelasticity.
From the Test Data menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Combined Test Data.
A Test Data Editor appears.
In the Long-term normalized shear compliance or modulus field, enter either the long-term, normalized shear compliance, , for creep test data or the long-term, normalized shear modulus,
, for relaxation test data.
In the Long-term normalized volumetric compliance or modulus field, enter either the long-term, normalized volumetric compliance, , for creep test data or the long-term, normalized volumetric modulus,
, for relaxation test data.
In the Data table, enter the following data:
js or gR
The normalized shear compliance, , (
) for creep test data or the normalized shear relaxation modulus,
, (
) for relaxation test data.
jK or kR
The normalized volumetric compliance, , for creep test data or the normalized volumetric modulus,
, for relaxation test data.
Time, t.
Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.