11.14 What is lofting?

Lofting is a method that allows you to create complex three-dimensional features that cannot be created by extruding, revolving, or sweeping. For example, you can use lofts to model an exhaust manifold that would be difficult to create by other means due to varying cross-sections. You can create solid, shell, or cut loft features in ABAQUS/CAE. A loft feature transforms from a starting section shape and orientation to an ending shape and orientation. You first create sections that define the shape of the loft as it passes through an area in space. Then ABAQUS/CAE can create the path between sections automatically, or you can define one or more continuous paths connecting one point on each loft section to a corresponding point on the next section. You can also choose from several tangency options to control the shape of the loft as it leaves the starting section or as it approaches the ending section. This section describes the options available for defining the loft sections, loft paths, and loft tangencies prior to creating a loft feature and explains self-intersection. The following topics are covered: