Product: ABAQUS/Standard
User subroutine SDVINI:
will be called for user-subroutine-defined initial solution-dependent state variable fields at particular material points, shell section points, contact slave nodes, or for user elements (see Initial conditions, Section 27.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual);
can be used to initialize solution-dependent state variables allocated as described in Allocating space” in “User subroutines: overview, Section 13.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual; and
returns a value of zero for any solution-dependent state variables that have no defined initial condition.
Solution-dependent state variables initialized in SDVINI can be used and updated in the following user subroutines:
The solution-dependent state variables are passed into these routines in the order in which they are entered in SDVINI.SUBROUTINE SDVINI(STATEV,COORDS,NSTATV,NCRDS,NOEL,NPT, 1 LAYER,KSPT) C INCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC' C DIMENSION STATEV(NSTATV),COORDS(NCRDS) user coding to define STATEV(NSTATV) RETURN END
First solution-dependent state variable.
Second solution-dependent state variable.
Third solution-dependent state variable.
Only NSTATV solution-dependent state variable values should be defined.
An array containing the initial coordinates of this point. Coordinates are not available for user elements.
User-defined number of solution-dependent state variables (see Allocating space” in “User subroutines: overview, Section 13.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).
Number of coordinates. This value is zero for user elements.
Element number.
Integration point number in the element (not relevant for user elements).
Layer number (for composite shells and layered solids).
Section point number within the current layer or section.