Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Many problems involve the prediction of the response of almost incompressible materials. This is especially true at large strains, since most solid materials show relatively incompressible behavior under large deformations. In this section we describe the augmented virtual work basis provided in ABAQUS/Standard for such cases. The method is described in the context of incompressible elasticity theory, since that is where it is most likely to be used.
When the material response is incompressible, the solution to a problem cannot be obtained in terms of the displacement history only, since a purely hydrostatic pressure can be added without changing the displacements. The nearly incompressible case (that is, when the bulk modulus is much larger than the shear modulus or Poisson's ratio, , is greater than 0.4999999) exhibits behavior approaching this limit, in that a very small change in displacement produces extremely large changes in pressure, so that a purely displacement-based solution is too sensitive to be useful numerically (for example, round-off on the computer may cause the method to fail). We remove this singular behavior in the system by treating the pressure stress as an independently interpolated basic solution variable, coupled to the displacement solution through the constitutive theory and the compatibility condition, with this coupling implemented by a Lagrange multiplier. This independent interpolation of pressure stress is the basis of these “hybrid” elements. More precisely, they are “mixed formulation” elements, using a mixture of displacement and stress variables with an augmented variational principle to approximate the equilibrium equations and compatibility conditions. The hybrid elements also remedy the problem of volume strain “locking,” which can occur at much lower values of
0.49). Volume strain locking occurs if the finite element mesh cannot properly represent incompressible deformations. Volume strain locking can be avoided in regular displacement elements by fully or selectively reduced integration, as described in Solid isoparametric quadrilaterals and hexahedra, Section 3.2.4.
We begin by writing the internal virtual work:
whereIn a displacement-based formulation the Cauchy stress, , is obtained with the constitutive equations from the deformation, usually in rate form:
We modify the Cauchy stress by introducing an independent hydrostatic pressure field as follows:
For the formulation of the tangent stiffness (the Jacobian), we need to define the rate of change of . Therefore, we rewrite the virtual work equation in terms of the reference volume
The rate of the modified stress follows from Equation 3.2.3–4 and the constitutive equations:
whereIt remains to choose . To get a symmetric expression for the rate of virtual work, we choose
The asymmetric term is significant only if large volume changes occur. Hence, the term is ignored except for material models with volumetric plasticity, such as the (capped) Drucker-Prager model and the Cam-clay model. For these models the constitutive matrix
is usually asymmetric anyway so that the addition of this nonsymmetric term does not affect the cost of the analysis. It was assumed in the expression for
that the (volumetric) moduli change only slowly with strain. This is not the case for material models with volumetric plasticity, in which these moduli can change abruptly. This may lead to slow convergence or even convergence failures. Failures usually occur only in higher-order elements, since in lower-order elements
approaches zero at every point and the error in
has no impact.