14.18 Improved repositioning of view cuts

Products: ABAQUS/CAE  ABAQUS/Viewer  

Benefits: You can now control the sensitivity of the Position slider in the View Cut Manager dialog box, which enables you to reposition a view cut with greater precision.

Description: The Sensitivity setting in the View Cut Manager dialog box determines the size of the range within which you can reposition a view cut. Each sensitivity increment focuses the level of control by an order of magnitude: when the sensitivity is 1, you can reposition a view cut anywhere in the model; when the sensitivity is 10, you can reposition the view cut within 1/10 of the model around the current view cut location. In practice, this setting enables you to reposition the view cut in a general area, then increase the sensitivity to fine tune the view cut location. Figure 14–18 shows the Sensitivity setting in the View Cut Manager dialog box.

Figure 14–18 The Sensitivity setting for view cut positioning.

In addition, you can double-click a location on the Sensitivity bar to reposition the view cut to a general location in the model. After you reposition a view cut in this manner, you can drag the Position slider to select a more exact location.

Sensitivity control is available for cylinder, sphere, and isosurface view cuts, as well as translational repositioning of plane view cuts. You cannot specify a sensitivity setting for rotational repositioning of plane view cuts.

Visualization module:
   OptionsView CutManager: Sensitivity controls

ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual