9.3 Viscous body, stagnation body, and pressure loads

Products: ABAQUS/Explicit  ABAQUS/CAE  

Benefits: Viscous and stagnation body loads can be applied as element-based distributed loads, and stagnation pressure loads can be applied as element-based or surface-based distributed loads in ABAQUS/Explicit. You can also specify viscous and stagnation pressure loads in ABAQUS/CAE.

Description: Viscous body force loads allow you to specify a viscous force to be applied to the body. The viscous force, , is computed by

where is the viscosity, given as the magnitude of the load; is the velocity of the point on the body where the force is being applied; is the velocity of the reference node; and is the element volume.

Stagnation body force loads allow you to specify a stagnation force to be applied to the body. The stagnation force, , is computed by

where is the factor, given as the magnitude of the load; is the velocity of the point on the body where the body force is being applied; is the velocity of the reference node; and is the element volume.

Stagnation pressure loads allow you to specify the stagnation pressure to be applied to the body. The stagnation pressure, , is computed by

where is the factor, given as the magnitude of the load; is the velocity of the point on the surface where the surface pressure is being applied; is the unit outward normal to the element at the same point; and is the velocity of the reference node.

The load editor for a pressure with a viscous distribution is shown in Figure 9–2; the editor for a stagnation pressure is similar.

Figure 9–2 Creating a viscous pressure load.


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ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual

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